Teacher of record means a teacher who meets all of the following:
Lot of record means any lot, the description of which is properly recorded with the Register of Deeds, which at the time of its recordation complied with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations.
Version of Record is defined as the final version of the Contribution as originally published, and as may be subsequently amended following publication in a contractually compliant manner, by or on behalf of the Publisher.
Address of record means the designated address recorded
Architect of Record means the architect licensed by the State who has the contract responsibility for the Project, who designs and prepares the construction documents from which the building is constructed, and who signs the required documents.
Retailer of Record means the Retailer who is listed in FortisAlberta’s records through the procedures outlined in the Terms and Conditions, and thereby recognized by FortisAlberta and the Settlement System Code, as a particular Customer’s Retailer for a Point of Service at a particular time;
Owner of record The meaning set forth in the System Description.
Customer of Record means the person that applies for utility service and is identified in the account records of a public utility as the person responsible for payment of the public utility bill. A customer may or may not be an end user, as defined herein.
Point(s) of Receipt means point(s) of interconnection on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System where capacity and energy will be made available to the Transmission Provider by the Delivering Party under Tariff, Part II. The Point(s) of Receipt shall be specified in the Service Agreement for Long-Term Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service. “Point-To-Point Transmission Service shall mean the reservation and transmission of capacity and energy on either a firm or non-firm basis from the Point(s) of Receipt to the Point(s) of Delivery under Tariff, Part II.
Email address of record means the designated email
Shareholder of Record means the record owner of shares issued by an Investment Company or, in the case of joint ownership of such shares, all record owners, as designated (1) in the initial account application, or (2) in writing accompanied by a signature guarantee, or (3) pursuant to procedures as set forth in the Application.
Relevant Record Date means the date on which a Bondholder’s ownership of Bonds shall be recorded in the CSD as follows:
If recorded means if the data is recorded in non-volatile memory for the purpose of subsequent downloading.
Semi-Annual Record Date means the "Record Dates" set forth under "Summary of Essential Financial Information--Estimated Distributions--Semi-Annual Distributions" in the Prospectus Part I for a Trust.
Operation of a System of Records means performance of any of the activities associated with maintaining the SOR, including the collection, use, maintenance, and dissemination of records.
Ladies and Gentlemen For value received, the undersigned beneficiary hereby irrevocably transfers to:
the Convention means the Convention on International Civil Aviation opened for signature at Chicago on 7 December 1944, and includes: (i) any amendment that has entered into force under Article 94(a) of the Convention and has been ratified by all the Contracting Parties to this Agreement, and (ii) any Annex or any amendment thereto adopted under Article 90 of the Convention, insofar as such Annexes or amendments are, at any given time, effective for all the Contracting Parties to this Agreement;
System of records means a group of any records under the control of any agency from which information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual.
Hague Convention means the Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extra-Judicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters signed at The Hague on November 15, 1965;
Record Dates means , , , , , and , and such other date as the Depositor may direct.
Valuation of Unpaid works shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 23.5;
Income Account Record Date means the "Record Dates" set forth in the "Essential Information" in the Prospectus.
Repudiation/Moratorium Evaluation Date means, if a Potential Repudiation/Moratorium occurs on or prior to the Credit Observation End Date (i) if the Obligations to which such Potential Repudiation/Moratorium relates include Bonds, the date that is the later of (A) the date that is sixty days after the date of such Potential Repudiation/Moratorium and (B) the first payment date under any such Bond after the date of such Potential Repudiation/Moratorium (or, if later, the expiration date of any applicable Grace Period in respect of such payment date) and (ii) if the Obligations to which such Potential Repudiation/Moratorium relates do not include Bonds, the date that is sixty days after the date of such Potential Repudiation/Moratorium; provided that, in either case, the Repudiation/Moratorium Evaluation Date shall occur no later than the Credit Observation End Date unless the Repudiation/Moratorium Extension Condition is satisfied.
Relevant Banking Day means a day on which commercial banks are open for business (including dealings in foreign exchange and foreign currency deposits) in the place where the specified office of the Registrar is located and, in the case only of an exchange of a Bearer Note for a Registered Note where such request for exchange is made to the Principal Paying Agent, in the place where the specified office of the Principal Paying Agent is located;
Administrative and Audit Regulations means all applicable statutes, regulations, and other laws governing administration or audit of this Contract (including the regulations included in Title 2, Part 200, of the Code of Federal Regulations; Chapter 321 of the Texas Government Code; Subchapter F of Chapter 2155 of the Texas Government Code; and the requirements of Article VII herein).
Accounts and Audit Regulations means the regulations issued under Sections 32, 43(2) and 46 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, or any superseding legislation, and then in force, unless otherwise specified.