Version of Record definition

Version of Record is defined as the final version of the Contribution as originally published, and as may be subsequently amended following publication in a contractually compliant manner, by or on behalf of the Publisher.
Version of Record is defined as the final version of the Contribution as originally published, and as may be subsequently amended following publication in a contractually compliant manner, by or on behalf of the Publisher. Any linking, collection or aggregation of self-archived Contributions from the same Work is strictly prohibited. The Publisher acknowledges that the Author retains the ability to copy, distribute or otherwise reuse the Contribution, without the requirement to seek specific prior written permission from the Publisher, (“Reuse”) subject to and in accordance with the following provisions: (a) Reuse of the Contribution or any part of it is permitted in a new edition of the Work or in a new monograph or new textbook written by the same Author provided that in each case the new work is published by the Publisher under a publishing agreement with the Publisher; and (b) Reuse of the Version of Record (as defined below) of the Contribution or any part of it is permitted in a thesis written by the same Author, and the Author is entitled to make a copy of the thesis containing content of the Contribution available in a repository of the Author’s awarding academic institution, or other repository required by the awarding institution; an acknowledgement should be included in the citation: “Reproduced with permission from Springer Nature”; and (c) any other Reuse of the Contribution in a new book, book chapter, proceedings or journal article, whether published by the Publisher or by any third party, is limited to three figures (including tables) or a single text extract of less than 400 words; and (d) any further Reuse of the Contribution is permitted only to the extent and in so far as is reasonably necessary: (i) to share the Contribution as a whole to no more than 10 research colleagues engaged by the same institution or employer as the Author for each colleague's personal and private use only; (ii) for classroom teaching use by the Author in their respective academic institution provided that the Contribution or any part of it is not included in course packs for sale or wider distribution to any students, institutions or other persons nor any other form of commercial or systematic exploitation; or (iii) for the Author to use all or parts of the Contribution in the further development of the Author's scientific and/or academic career, for private use and research or within a strictly limited circulation which does not allow the Contribution to become publicly access...
Version of Record is defined as the final version of the Contribution as originally published, and as may be subsequently amended following publication in a contractually compliant manner, by or on behalf of the Publisher. Any linking, collection or aggregation of self-archived Contributions from the same Work is strictly prohibited. Appendix “Author's Reuse Rights” The Publisher acknowledges that the Author retains the ability to copy, distribute or otherwise reuse the Contribution, without the require­ment to seek specific prior written permission from the Publisher, (“Reuse”) subject to and in accordance with the following provisions: (a) Reuse of the Contribution or any part of it is permitted in a new edition of the Work or in a new monograph or new textbook written by the same Author provided that in each case the new work is published by the Publisher under a publishing agreement with the Publisher; and (b) Reuse of the Version of Record (as defined below) of the Contribution or any part of it is permitted in a thesis written by the same Author, and the Author is entitled to make a copy of the thesis containing content of the Contribution available in a repository of the Author’s academic institution; and (c) any other Reuse of the Contribution in a new book, book chapter, proceedings or journal article, whether published by the Publisher or by any third party, is limited to three figures (including tables) or single text extracts of less than 400 words; and (d) any further Reuse of the Contribution is permitted only to the extent and in so far as is reasonably necessary: (i) to share the Contribution as a whole to no more than 10 research colleagues engaged by the same institution or employer as the Author for each colleague's personal and private use only; (ii) for classroom teaching use by the Author in their respective academic institution provided that this does not permit inclusion of any of the Contribution in course packs for sale or wider distribution to any students, institutions or other persons nor any other form of commercial or systematic exploitation; or (iii) for the Author to use all or parts of the Contribution in the further development of the Author's scientific and/or academic career, for private use and research or within a strictly limited circulation which does not allow the Contribution to become publicly accessible nor prejudice sales of, or the exploitation of the Publisher's rights in, the Contribution (e.g. attaching a copy of the Contrib...

Examples of Version of Record in a sentence

  • You are encouraged to use the Version of Record that, when published, will replace this version.

  • This is the author manuscript accepted for publication and has undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record.

  • Any reuse must include a full credit line acknowledging AIP Publishing’s publication and a link to the Version of Record (VOR) on AIP Publishing’s site.

  • This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record.

  • The Submitted Manuscript/Pre-Print shall in no circumstances be updated or replaced with any subsequent version of the Manuscript, including the Final Published Article /Version of Record.

More Definitions of Version of Record

Version of Record means the final typeset and edited version of the article published in a journal.
Version of Record is defined as the final version of the Contribution as originally published, and as may be subsequently amended following publication in a contractually compliant manner, by or on behalf of the Publisher. Any linking, collection or aggregation of self-archived Contributions from the same Work is strictly prohibited.
Version of Record means the final typeset and edited version of the Open Access Article published in a journal forming part of the Licensed Material.
Version of Record the final published version of the Article that is produced by the RSC
Version of Record means an article published under an open license, such as a Creative Commons license. Open Access Articles are of one of the following article types: [Original Paper, Review, Brief Communication, Correction, Additions, e-Books]. means the version of a journal article that has been made available by a Publisher by formally and exclusively declaring the article “published”.
Version of Record. The published Article after it has undergone copy editing, page composition, and subsequent correction by the author.
Version of Record also called “Publisher’s PDF” is the final version of the manuscript accepted for publication as edited in the Publisher’s layout.