In Scope Sample Clauses
In Scope. (Copy and Paste Statement of Work Description and Deliverables from Attachment D1)
In Scope. (Copy and Paste Statement of Work Description and Deliverables from Attachment Revision Date: 11/15/2022 Page 1 of 6 D1)
In Scope. An employee who temporarily relieves a shift supervisor, site supervisor, or any other bargaining unit employee receiving a higher rate of pay for one
(1) hour or more, shall receive the higher rate of pay for said classification in the amount of the same pay the relieved employee is earning for all time so relieving.
In Scope. 8.03.01 The Company will arrange with the Union at the District level before any use is made of the provisions of Article 8.03. It is the responsibility of the Company to afford as much notice as possible in order to implement these provisions, however, in situations requiring immediate action when the Union cannot be contacted, the provisions of Article 8.03 may be used for an interim period not exceeding seven (7) consecutive days pending such contact.
8.03.02 Staff requirements at a location resulting from absences of employees due to annual vacations, sick leave, time off for Union business, bereavement leave, compassionate reasons, training for scope duties, language training or from a temporary increase in the work load may be filled in accordance with Article 8.03, subject to Article 8.03.01. Relief assignments of less than one (1) full day and for more than thirty (30) days shall be subject to prior mutual agreement between the Company and the Union, at the District level.
8.03.03 The use of an employee on a relief assignment under Article 8.03.02 will not result in any change to approved vacations, time off or leaves of absence for other employees.
8.03.04 The Company shall solicit volunteers from amongst qualified employees at other locations within the same base or another base. Within a base where there are fifty
In Scope. 6.1.1 Framework Public Bodies accessing the Framework will require various types of legal advice. The types and volumes required may fluctuate during the period of the Framework Agreement.
6.1.2 The Authority requires Contractors to provide comprehensive Legal Services to fulfil the current and evolving needs of the Framework Public Bodies.
In Scope. Copy and Paste Statement of Work Description and Deliverables from Attachment Revision Date: 11/17/2022 Page 1 of 8 D1.
2.2.1. Delete the following paragraph if Submittal Exchange is not going to be used.
In Scope. (Copy and Paste Statement of Work Description and Deliverables from Attachment D1)
1. The maximum amount payable under this SOW Agreement is $ . Payments of invoices shall be made in accordance with the payment provisions in the Master Agreement as further supplemented herein.
2. Contractor shall submit invoices to: State of Vermont, Agency/Dept. Attn: (Name of the Project Manager) Address of Agency/Department requiring work
3. Invoices shall include the SOW Agreement # and Master Agreement # which appear atop the first page of this SOW Agreement.
In Scope. Assessment on suitability for transplant • Listing for transplant and pre transplant review • Ventricular assist devices (VADs) as a ‘bridge to cardiac transplant’ • Admission and transplant procedure • Hospital based post-operative care • Post discharge review and management, including readmissions where appropriate • Post-transplant follow-up and management • Re-assessment for consideration of re-transplant as a consequence of graft failure • Evidenced pathway for end of life palliative care
In Scope. 8.03.01 The Company will arrange with the Union at the District level before any use is made of the provisions of Article 8.03. It is the responsibility of the Company to afford as much notice as possible in order to implement these provisions, however, in situations requiring immediate action when the Union cannot be contacted, the provisions of Article 8.03 may be used for an interim period not exceeding seven (7) consecutive days pending such contact.
8.03.02 Staff requirements at a location resulting from absences of employees due to annual vacations, sick leave, time off for Union business, bereavement leave, compassionate reasons, training for scope duties, language training or from a temporary increase in the work load may be filled in accordance with Article 8.03, subject to Article 8.
03.01. Relief assignments of less than one (1) full day and for more than thirty (30) days shall be subject to prior mutual agreement between the Company and the Union, at the District level.
8.03.03 The use of an employee on a relief assignment under Article 8.03.02 will not result in any change to approved vacations, time off or leaves of absence for other employees.
8.03.04 The Company shall solicit volunteers from amongst qualified employees at other locations within the same base or another base. Within a base where there are fifty (50) employees or less, when there are no volunteers, the Company may assign the junior qualified employee at another location to fill the relief assignment.
8.03.05 An employee on a relief assignment shall be provided with detailed orders in writing, copied to the Union District Chair.
8.03.06 Upon completion of a relief assignment, an employee shall be returned to their original location and work schedule or sub-schedule subject to the actioning of the employee’s requested transfer or change of status in accordance with Article 12 or, in the event of a staff reduction, subject to Article 10.
8.03.07 An employee on a relief assignment from one location to another location or from one base to another base will, in addition to their regular rate of pay, receive a relief premium of one dollar ($1.00) an hour for all time worked away from their permanent location.
8.03.08 If the Company changes the employee’s scheduled shift, scheduled shift starting time and/or scheduled days on/days off, the employee shall suffer no loss of premiums because of the change but shall be granted any greater premiums resulting from the change. An employee o...
In Scope. The service provides diagnosis, treatment and follow-up management as detailed in section 3.4 for adult patients with PH.