Examples of Defeasance Costs in a sentence
Alternatively, one can identify the particular metric(s) thought to be most sensitive to a particular pollutant or stressor (e.g., clingers or scrapers as indicators of fine sediment loading).
A first recommendation on the use of the EU PEF method was established in 2013 by the European Commission, followed by the so called “Pilot Phase”, which included more stakeholders to test the applicability of the methods and guidelines for a selected number of product types.
The County has no obligation to pay Defeasance Costs except where specifically provided for in this Agreement.
If the amount of Defeasance Costs paid by the County to the State is less than the State’s actual Defeasance Costs, the State shall so notify the County and the County shall pay the deficiency to the State within thirty (30) days after the State notifies the County.
At the time of disposal of the asset, items recognised in other comprehensive income are reclassified as retained earn- ings and are not reclassified to the income statement.