Examples of Defense agency in a sentence
If this contract is for construction or dismantling, demolition or removal of improvements with any Department of Defense agency or component, the Contractor shall comply with all pertinent provisions of the latest version of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Requirements Manual, EM 385-1-1, in effect on the date of the solicitation.
Při sjednávání úvěrové smlouvy pak nejsou předem dány termíny přizpůsobování úrokové sazby z úvěru, ale vyplývají ze změn v základě ležící sazby.
If this contract is for construction or dismantling, demolition or removal of im- provements with any Department of Defense agency or component, the Contractor shall comply with all pertinent provisions of the latest version of U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers Safety and Health Requirements Man- ual, EM 385–1–1, in effect on the date of the solicitation.
U.S. Government- owned aircraft delivered gratuitously by any Department of Defense agency to another Government agency, to aU.S. Navy or Marine Corps Flying Club, or to a U.S. Army or Air Force Aero Club.
A plan for the sustainment of the proposed project, including the agreement with either the host nation, a non- Department of Defense agency of the United States Government or a third-party contributor to finance the sustainment of the activities and maintenance of any equipment or facilities to be provided through the proposed project.SEC.
The proposed contract action is by a Defense agency and the proposed contract action will be made and per- formed outside the United States, its possessions, or Puerto Rico, and only local sources will be solicited.
See 1-405 for guidance when requests by a non- Defense agency pertain to a matter involving an investigation or litigation; see 1-408 for all requests by the Internal Revenue Service.
A request for cost or financial data, written material, or access to working papers or audit files by a non- Defense agency, except for the Internal Revenue Service, which pertains to a matter (except an investigation or litigation) unrelated to the negotiation or administration of a contract by the requesting agency, will be referred to Headquarters, Attention: PAS, for consideration.
A plan for the sustainment of the pro- posed project, including the agreement with either the host nation, a non-Department of Defense agency of the United States Govern- ment or a third-party contributor to finance the sustainment of the activities and main- tenance of any equipment or facilities to be provided through the proposed project.SEC.
Authority to submit such a request may not be redelegated to an official below the agency’s headquarters level (or, in the case of the Department of Defense, to an official below the head- quarters level of the military depart- ment or Defense agency).