Deferred Compensation Fund definition
Examples of Deferred Compensation Fund in a sentence
The Plan consists of the State Employees’ Deferred Compensation Fund (Fund 755), a pension trust fund which records all the assets and liabilities and additions and deductions of the plan.
The Oregon Legislature enacted Chapter 179, Oregon Laws 1997 that established the Deferred Compensation Fund.
The Policy does not apply to the following funds that are separately administered: Arlington Tomorrow Foundation, Part-time Deferred Income Trust Fund; Thrift Savings Plan Fund; Disability Income Plan Fund; and the Deferred Compensation Fund.
The City also reports the following fiduciary fund type:Employee Deferred Compensation FundThe Employee Deferred Compensation Fund accounts for assets held by the City which are for employees who defer a portion of their compensation under the provisions of Internal Revenue Code Section 457.
CalSTRS administers four pension and other employee benefit trust funds: the State Teachers’ Retirement Fund; the Teachers’ Health Benefits Fund; the Pension2 Program; and the Teachers’ Deferred Compensation Fund.
The Deferred Compensation Fund, the Education Stability Fund, and Common School Fund may also invest in common stock.
The County shall establish a Deferred Compensation Fund to which all Deferred Compensation shall be credited at such times as the Compensation would have been payable to individual Employees if such Employees were not Participants in the Plan.
No person will have any “vested right” under California or federal law to have the County make any matching contributions to the Deferred Compensation Fund or the Plan.
CalPERS administers the following seven pension and other employee benefit trust funds: the Public Employees’ Retirement Fund, the Judges’ Retirement Fund, the Judges’ Retirement Fund II, the Legislators’ Retirement Fund, the Public Employees’ Deferred Compensation Fund, the public employee Supplemental Contributions Program Fund, and the California Employers’ Retiree Benefit Trust Fund.
The Deferred Compensation Fund, the Education Stability Fund, the State Board of Higher Education, and Common School Fund may also invest in common stock.