Delivery Handbook definition
Examples of Delivery Handbook in a sentence
In addition and without prejudice to your compliance with the evaluation arrangements set out in the Delivery Handbook, you will comply with all and any evaluation framework and guidance provided by the GLA from time to time and with all requests in relation to our evaluation strategies and/or requirements in accordance with clauses 11.9 and 13 of this Agreement.
The GLA may require you to provide additional or more frequent reports if the Project is subject to a Project Improvement Plan as set out in the Delivery Handbook at Schedule 7 of this Agreement.
The invoice shall be submitted to the GLA following confirmation in writing from the GLA Project Manager that the Monthly Progress Return and the Participant Data Form have been verified as correct in accordance with the requirements set out in the Delivery Handbook.
The Delivery Handbook and Evidence Handbook set out the arrangements for governance, management and delivery of the grants awarded through this ESF grant award process, including requirements relating to eligibility and evidence.
In addition and without prejudice to the requirements of Clause 45 and the requirements set out in the Delivery Handbook, for all communications, marketing activities and materials relating to the project, you shall keep up to date with and comply with the information and publicity requirements for the ESF programme set out at xxxxx:// _publicity_requirements.pdf.
Further information on data, evidence and reporting requirements can be found in the Evidence Handbook and Delivery Handbook.
Data Protection Declaration” section of the Participant Enrolment Form, the Employer Beneficiary Engagement Form and the HEI/Employer Activity Pilot Engagement Form (see section 4 of this Delivery Handbook).
Bidders should note that the requirements as set out in the Delivery Handbook and Evidence Handbook and any ESF and GLA guidance issued to support ESF Providers, are subject to revision and amendment by the GLA or the Managing Authority from time to time and it is the responsibility of ESF Providers to ensure that they are aware of and complying with the latest requirements.
Guidance for DPO staff on how to administer the young people’s survey and to provide appropriate support is included in the Delivery Handbook provided.
The GLA’s performance management approach and the circumstances that may lead to a reduction in an ESF Provider’s Lifetime Contract Value or early termination of a Contract are described in greater detail in the Delivery Handbook.