Examples of Demand Shares in a sentence
Technology (ΔXM), Demand Composition (ΔXθ), Demand Shares (ΔXβ), and Total Demand (ΔXY) Contributions to the Change in Gross Output (ΔXTOT) for the Chemicals, Non-metal Minerals, and Metals Sectors in Each Final Demand Category, Nominal I-O Tables 8,0007,000Change in Gross Output(billion yuan)6,0005,0004,0003,0002,0001,0000-1,000 RHHUHHGOVINVNEXFinal Demand Technology Demand Composition Demand Shares Total Demand Figure 22.
A true and complete list of the Tutors on Demand Shareholders, their names, addresses and holdings of Tutors on Demand Shares is set out in Schedule "A".
If all the Market Demand Shares are issued pursuant to the Market Demand Arrangements the Market Demand Shares would represent 10.37 per cent.
Technology (XM), Demand Composition (X), Demand Shares (X ), and Total Demand (XY) Contributions to the Change in Gross Output (XTOT) for the Chemicals, Non-metal Minerals, and Metals Sectors in Each Final Demand Category, Nominal I-O Tables 8,0007,000Change in Gross Output(billion yuan)6,0005,0004,0003,0002,0001,0000-1,000 RHHUHHGOVINVNEXFinal Demand Technology Demand Composition Demand Shares Total Demand Figure 22.
There are no options, agreements, rights of first refusal or other rights capable of becoming such to acquire all or any part of the Tutors on Demand Shares.