Dental benefit plan definition
Examples of Dental benefit plan in a sentence
Be it resolved that the Student Health and Dental benefit plan cost be increased by $18 for the 2019/2020 fiscal year.
By signing this form I warrant and represent that I have made full disclosure to the client of any and all compensation I may receive from Delta Dental related to the client's purchase of a Delta Dental benefit plan.
An employee who is laid off may choose to continue their benefit coverage, beyond three (3) months after layoff, for the duration of their recall period from the date of lay off provided that the employee pays the full premium costs of the Health and Dental benefit plan in a manner agreed upon with the Employer.
Effective June 1, 2004, part-time Employee’s who have acquired five (5) years seniority or more shall be entitled to the Employer’s Group Extended Health and Dental benefit plan, for which fifty (50%) percent of the premiums shall be paid by the Employer and fifty (50%) percent by the Employee, via bi- weekly payroll deduction.
We currently utilize a four- tier rate structure (Employee; Employee and Spouse; Employee and Child(ren); Employee, Spouse and Child(ren)).Currently, Guardian’s Group Dental rate manual can be used to calculate rates for a wide variety of Dental benefit plan designs for groups of 2 or more employees.