Designated school definition
Designated school means a school included in Appendix 1A of this Schedule.
Designated school means: Cape Barren Island School, Flinders Island District High School, King Island District High School, Mountain Heights School, Redpa Primary School, Rosebery District High School, Strahan Primary School, and Zeehan Primary School.
Designated school means any school (whether primary, secondary or post- secondary and whether government or government-aided) designated by the Minister under section 3;
Examples of Designated school in a sentence
Designated school officials are authorized to take these actions either individually or collectively.
Designated school personnel shall participate in such training as required by law and board policy.
Designated school staff/faculty COOP procedures personnel, in conjunction with the School Director, will perform the essential functions.
Designated school officials are: the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and other such individuals as authorized by law.
Designated school officials at each campus may assist with collecting this information.Accounts of students receiving scholarships, grants or other third party payments must be reviewed to determine if a 1042-S required.
More Definitions of Designated school
Designated school means a School identified as a “Designated School” in the School and Real Property Information Certificate.
Designated school means the school designated by the school board as the school within the school district where the pupil resides that has space and offers the appropriate education required by the pupil.
Designated school means a school designated under
Designated school means a primary or post-pri- mary school which is in receipt of enhanced grants made by the Minister out of moneys pro- vided by the Oireachtas;
Designated school means a school that has been designated as a school in which a designated program is offered;
Designated school means a school included in Appendix 1A of this Schedule. "Country School" means a school included in Appendix 1B of this Schedule. Band 3 teachers - Clauses 4 and 5 in this schedule apply to all Band 3 teachers effective from January 1990.