Developer Property definition
Examples of Developer Property in a sentence
Developer hereby agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize disruption for those living and working near the Developer Property during construction of the Project.
The Developer will grant to the Commission a temporary, non- exclusive easement on, in, over, under and across any part(s) of the Developer Property (the “Easement”) in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D, to permit the Commission to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, including the construction, equipping, inspection, and delivery of the Local Public Improvements.
The report shall include the following information and documents: (i) a status report of the construction completed to date, (ii) an update on the project schedule, (iii) an itemized accounting generally identifying the Private Investment to date, and (iv) a status report of the number of jobs created for employment at the Developer Property.
It's truly a pleasure for me to introduce to you and to this Legislature here today some 64 visitors from the town of Calmar, from the Calmar school.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, no future amendment of any existing City ordinance or resolution or any subsequent ordinance, resolution or moratorium, enacted either by the City Council or by voter approved initiative, that purports to impose or result in a limitation on the Project, imposed by City, shall apply to govern, or regulate the Project or development or use of the Developer Property during the Term.