Development potential definition

Development potential means the maximum number of
Development potential means the maximum number of dwelling units or square feet of nonresidential floor area that may be constructed on a specified lot or in a specified zone under the master plan and land use regulations in effect on the date of the adoption of the development transfer ordinance or on the date of the adoption of the ordinance authorizing noncontiguous cluster, and in accordance with recognized environmental constraints.
Development potential means vacant land that is located wholly or partially within an area that is zoned pursuant to applicable Zoning By-law that would permit the construction of a building or structure greater than 50 square metres. For greater certainty, vacant land

Examples of Development potential in a sentence

  • Promote a compact urban structure through urban infill and densification; Barkly West is the administrative centre for Dikgatlong and is situated 35km from Kimberley.During the preparation of the local SDF the following attributes of the town have been acknowledged:• Dormitory function to Kimberley and in close proximity;• Availability of industrial land;• Development potential of the river frontage;• Places of historical interest to be developed; and• Rich mining activities in the surrounding area.

  • The transmission channels of forward guidance and in particular the horizons at which it would lower expected future interest rates are much less documented.

  • Development potential that has been conveyed from a property pursuant to P.L.2004, c.2 (C.40:55D-137 et al.) shall not be subject to any fee imposed pursuant to P.L.1968, c.49 (C.46:15-5 et seq.).

  • Development potential for Site 15 is considered complete, by both the University and the City.

  • Volume I of this Stantec study identifies the storm water infrastructure works required and associated costs of these works and will be used as the basis to establish the DCs. Development potential for this area is provided in Schedule 2.

More Definitions of Development potential

Development potential means vacant land that is located wholly or partially within an area
Development potential means vacant land that is located wholly or partially within an area that is zoned pursuant to the applicable Zoning By-law that would permit the construction of a building or structure greater than 50 square metres. For greater certainty, vacant land wholly located within the Public Open Space (OS1) Zone, Private Open Space (OS2) Zone, Hazard (H) Zone, Development (D) Zone and Deferred Development (DD) Zone as set out in Zoning By-law Number 83-40 as amended, and vacant land wholly located within the Hazard H Zone as set out in Zoning By-law Number 10-77, as amended, are deemed to not have development potential;
Development potential shall have the same meaning as ascribed to it in Recital (L).
Development potential means the maximum number of dwelling units or square feet of nonresidential
Development potential means the same as that term is defined pursuant to section 3 of P.L.1989, c.86
Development potential means the entire current, enhanced, future and estimated/projected/envisaged, FSI, Premium FSI, FAR, DR, DRCs, TDR, and other development potential, benefits, potential, yield, and/or advantages, and/or as may be available on any account whatsoever, and/or any other rights, benefits and/or any floating rights of any nature whatsoever, and by whatever name called, including fungible FSI, additional FSI, special FSI, compensatory FSI, incentive FSI, paid FSI, that is, or may be, available, or acquired, under any Applicable Law, or otherwise howsoever, including by way of hand over and/or transfer, to any Governmental Authority or persons, of any or all of the Reservations or any part/s of the Project Land. The Development Potential shall, at the Promoter’s discretion, be distributed and apportioned, from time to time in accordance with Applicable Law amongst any of the Buildings, to any extent. It is clarified that over and above the Development Potential the Project will generate Additional Areas. It is clarified that Additional Areas are not included in, and are over and above, the aforesaid Development Potential.
Development potential means the entire current, enhanced, future and estimated/projected/envisaged, floor area ratio (“FAR’), premium/ paid FSI, fungible FSI, incentive/ additional/ compensatory FSI, floating FSI, development rights, transferable development rights, and other development potential, benefits, potential, yield, and/or advantages, and/or as may be available on any account whatsoever, and/or any other rights and/or benefits of any nature whatsoever, and by whatever name called or may be, available, or acquired, under any applicable law, or otherwise howsoever, including by way of hand over and/or transfer, to any governmental authority/ies or persons, of any or all of the Reservations or any part/s of the Project Land (hereinafter referred to as the “Development Potential”).