Developmental Resource definition

Developmental Resource means a Facility that, as of the date of Bidder’s proposal with respect to such Facility and the execution of the Definitive Agreement (if any) in respect of such proposal, (i) (a) has never been placed into commercial service and has not been accepted by its owner as having achieved (or been deemed to have achieved) the requirements for commercial operation or other similar state of completion under the applicable project construction contracts or (b) has been and remains removed from commercial service and (ii) will make available and generate the power to be provided to Buyer under the Definitive Agreement from new power generation equipment that meets the requirements of this RFP.
Developmental Resource or “Developmental Proposal” means a resource, or proposal for such resource, that has not yet begun operation, including a proposal for a new CCGT.
Developmental Resource or “Developmental Proposal” means a Facility or resource that, as of the date of Bidder’s proposal with respect to such Facility or resource, has not been placed into commercial service and has not been accepted by its owner as having achieved (or been deemed to have achieved) the requirements for commercial operation (or analogous term) under the applicable project contracts, or a proposal for such a resource submitted in response to this RFP.

Examples of Developmental Resource in a sentence

  • The VAT will notify the CET whether one or more Bidders have submitted proposals in which the Developmental Resource or the proposal fails to meet one or more of the Minimum Requirements set forth in Appendix D.

  • ETI will accept for evaluation PPA and Toll proposals that offer less than the entire capacity of the generation resource (whether the resource is an existing resource or a Developmental Resource) and meet the requirements for participation in this RFP.

  • The IM, in consultation with ESI, intends to retain an independent consulting engineer to evaluate the reasonableness of the construction cost estimates of the Self-Build Option and, potentially, to undertake a similar evaluation for any other Developmental Resource supporting a proposal submitted in this RFP.

  • Appendix D describes the Minimum Requirements for Developmental Resources that Bidders must satisfy for Bidder to submit a conforming proposal for a Developmental Resource in this RFP and addresses certain potential consequences of a failure to meet those requirements.

  • Upon execution of the LOI, Bidder will be required to provide to ESI or its designee a letter of credit in the amount of (a) $2 million, plus (b) if Bidder proposes a Developmental Resource and at the time of execution of the LOI fails or continues to fail to meet one or more of the Minimum Requirements found in Appendix J, an additional amount, to be determined by the CET, with input from the VAT, of up to $5 million.

  • Eligible CCGT-based Developmental Resource equipment and design may NOT include steam injection for power augmentation, a single shaft combined-cycle design, or high- fogging equipment (e.g., overspray, wet compression, spray inter-cooling).

  • The IM, in consultation with ESI, may choose to retain an independent consulting engineer to evaluate the reasonableness of the construction cost estimates of the Self-Build Option and, potentially, to undertake a similar evaluation for any other Developmental Resource supporting a proposal submitted in this RFP.

  • Appendix C-1 contains questions and requests for information or material that Bidders will be required to answer or provide in connection with any proposal submitted into this RFP based on a Developmental Resource.

  • Bidder may be required to supply information concerning the subject CCGT technology and potential Developmental Resource to ESI and the IM to assist ESI in the development of its answer.

  • Appendices H, I-1, and I-2 contain questions Bidders will be required to answer for proposals based upon a Developmental Resource, an existing combined-cycle gas turbine (“CCGT”) resource, or an existing solid fuel resource, respectively.Appendix J describes certain minimum requirements that Bidder must satisfy in order for Bidder to be assured that a proposal offering a Developmental Resource will be considered in this RFP.

More Definitions of Developmental Resource

Developmental Resource or “Developmental Proposal” means a resource that is not in commercial service, or a proposal for such a resource submitted in response to this RFP.
Developmental Resource or “Developmental Proposal” means an RER that is not in commercial service, or a proposal for such an RER submitted in response to this RFP.
Developmental Resource means a Facility that, as of the date of Bidder’s proposal with respect to such Facility and the execution of the Definitive Agreement (if any) in respect of such proposal,

Related to Developmental Resource

  • Development means the division of a parcel of land into two or more parcels, the construction, reconstruction, conversion, structural alteration, relocation or enlarge- enlargement of any building or structure, any mining excavation or landfill, and any use or change in the use of any building or other structure, or land or extension of use of land, for which permission is required under the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.

  • Exploration means all activities directed toward ascertaining the existence, location, quantity, quality or commercial value of deposits of Products.

  • experimental development means acquiring, combining, shaping and using existing scientific, technological, business and other relevant knowledge and skills with the aim of developing new or improved products, processes or services. This may also include, for example, activities aiming at the conceptual definition, planning and documentation of new products, processes or services;

  • Development Authority means the New Jersey Schools

  • Historic resource means a publicly or privately owned historic building, structure, site, object, feature, or open space located within an historic district designated by the national register of historic places, the state register of historic sites, or a local unit acting under the local historic districts act, 1970 PA 169, MCL 399.201 to 399.215, or that is individually listed on the state register of historic sites or national register of historic places, and includes all of the following:

  • Information Technology Resources means agency budgetary resources, personnel, equipment, facilities, or services that are primarily used in the management, operation, acquisition, disposition, and transformation, or other activity related to the lifecycle of information technology; acquisitions or interagency agreements that include information technology and the services or equipment provided by such acquisitions or interagency agreements; but does not include grants to third parties which establish or support information technology not operated directly by the Federal Government. (0MB M-15-14)

  • Resource means assets and income.

  • Geothermal resources shall collectively mean the matter, substances and resources defined in subparagraph 16(a) and 16(b) that are not subject to this Lease but are located on adjacent land or lands in reasonable proximity thereto;

  • Commercial Development means any development on private land that is not heavy industrial or residential. The category includes, but is not limited to: hospitals, laboratories and other medical facilities, educational institutions, recreational facilities, plant nurseries, car wash facilities, mini-malls and other business complexes, shopping malls, hotels, office buildings, public warehouses and other light industrial complexes.

  • Development Area means that area to which a development plan is applicable.

  • Clinical Development means the conduct of clinical trials in humans to assess the dosing, safety and/or efficacy of the Product, including but not limited to Phase I Clinical Trials, Phase II Clinical Trials, Phase Ill Clinical Trials and Phase IV Clinical Trials.

  • Mineral Resource means a concentration or occurrence of diamonds, natural solid inorganic material, or fossilized organic material including base and precious metals, coal, diamonds or industrial minerals in or on the earth’s crust in such form and quantity and of such grade or quality that it has reasonable prospects for economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade, geological characteristics and continuity of a mineral resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge;

  • Infill development means new construction on a vacant commercial lot currently held as open space.

  • Commercial Development Plan means the written commercialization plan attached as Appendix E.

  • sustainable development means development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

  • Clean coal technology demonstration project means a project using funds appropriated under the heading “Department of Energy—Clean Coal Technology,” up to a total amount of $2,500,000,000 for commercial demonstration of clean coal technology, or similar projects funded through appropriations for the Environmental Protection Agency. The federal contribution for a qualifying project shall be at least 20 percent of the total cost of the demonstration project.

  • Resources shall have the meaning set forth in Section 23.1 of this Agreement.

  • economic resources means assets of every kind, whether tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, which are not funds, but may be used to obtain funds, goods or services;

  • Environmental Infrastructure System means the Environmental Infrastructure Facilities of the Borrower, including the Project, for which the Borrower is receiving the Loan.

  • Environmental Management Framework and “EMF” mean the framework of the Borrower for the management of social and environmental aspects of the Project dated April 24, 2007 and disclosed to the public on even date therewith, as may be amended from time to time with the prior approval of the Bank.

  • Collaborative drug therapy management means participation by an authorized pharmacist and a physician in the management of drug therapy pursuant to a written community practice protocol or a written hospital practice protocol.

  • Natural resources means all land, fish, shellfish, wildlife, biota,

  • Development Consent means the consent granted to the Development Application for the Development and includes all modifications made under section 4.55 of the Act.

  • Major development means an individual “development,” as well as multiple developments that individually or collectively result in:

  • Genetic resources means genetic material of actual or potential value;

  • Infrastructure Improvements means a street, road, sidewalk, parking facility, pedestrian mall, alley, bridge, sewer, sewage treatment plant, property designed to reduce, eliminate, or prevent the spread of identified soil or groundwater contamination, drainage system, waterway, waterline, water storage facility, rail line, utility line or pipeline, transit-oriented development, transit-oriented property, or other similar or related structure or improvement, together with necessary easements for the structure or improvement, owned or used by a public agency or functionally connected to similar or supporting property owned or used by a public agency, or designed and dedicated to use by, for the benefit of, or for the protection of the health, welfare, or safety of the public generally, whether or not used by a single business entity, provided that any road, street, or bridge shall be continuously open to public access and that other property shall be located in public easements or rights-of-way and sized to accommodate reasonably foreseeable development of eligible property in adjoining areas. Infrastructure improvements also include 1 or more of the following whether publicly or privately owned or operated or located on public or private property: