Digital Database definition
Examples of Digital Database in a sentence
The DEM was resampled to the resolution of the ice model (900 m) and cropped to the grounding line of the MODIS Mosaic of Antarctica (MOA; Haran and others, 2006), and bedrock pixels were identified and excluded using a resampled polygon shapefile from the Antarctic Digital Database ( topography and ice thickness grids were ob- tained from the Bedmap2 compilation (Fretwell and others, 2013; Fig.
DigiPal: Digital Database and Resource of Palaeography, Manu- scripts and Diplomatic.
From Paper File to Digital Database, December 2007, available from; Internet; accessed 01 January 2008.
Key to Abbreviations used in the Mines and Prospects Digital Database a.
Bunlardan ilk aşama psikoloji bilimini, insan bilimlerini anlamada bir yöntem olarak kullanmak istediği aşamadır.
The resulting heatmaps highlighted the most indicative region of the images based on the region’s influence on the model’s prediction outcome.External Validation To assess the generalizability of our model, we evaluated it on images from the Curated Breast Imaging Subset of the Digital Database for Screening Mammography (CBIS-DDSM).
Digital Database and GIS to a Quicker and More Accurate Solution,” ITE 2000 Annual Meeting and Exhibit, Nashville (2000).
In order to improve the calculation efficiency, we use the coastline mask from Antarctic Digital Database (ADD) (, last access: 13 February 2020) which is marked by the green outline in Figure 1.
NameBoard Meeting (₹)Committee Meetings (₹)*Total (₹)Sanjaya Kulkarni10,0006,00016,000M.
The Board of Directors shall ensure that a Structured Digital Database is maintained containing the names of such persons or entities, as the case may be, with whom UPSI is shared under Regulation 3 along with the Permanent Account Number (PAN) or any other identifier authorized by law, where PAN is not available.