Examples of Diocesan Trustee in a sentence
The MAT Trust Board will obtain professional advice on the reinstatement value when such insurance is being renewed and will ensure that any insurance is taken out or risk protection cover arranged (in joint names with the Diocesan Trustee or ensuring that full cover is extended to the Diocesan Trustee) in the full reinstatement value and will make up any shortfall from its own funds.
For the avoidance of doubt the Diocesan Trustee cannot be relied on to provide any form of financial guarantees or assume any financial responsibilities in respect of such works.
Both the Diocesan Trustee and the MAT will have regard to any guidance issued by the Catholic Education Service as to the question of whether the land and buildings should be recognised as an asset on the balance sheet of the MAT.
No significant capital works will be carried out on any school site by the MAT (or its schools) without the prior written consent of the Diocesan Trustee, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld provided that there is clear evidence that there are funds readily available to the MAT to undertake all of the work and that any capital works comply with any Diocesan policy on capital works to school sites issued from time to time.
The Church Supplemental Agreement, which is put in place when each school joins the MAT, recognises the occupation and use of the school site by the MAT for the particular Catholic school as a bare licensee and that the right of the Diocesan Trustee to terminate the MAT’s use of the site is subject only to the giving by the Diocesan Trustee of 2 years’ notice.
The MAT Trust Board will comply with and will ensure compliance by its constituent schools with the obligations of the Church Supplemental Agreement and where insurance is not in fact put in place by the Diocesan Trustee, the MAT Trust Board will insure the school sites only with insurers approved by the Diocesan Financial Secretary on behalf of the Bishop, which may include the EFA’s “Risk Protection Arrangements” scheme.
The land on which the schools that form part of the MAT operate is owned by the Arundel & Brighton Roman Catholic Diocesan Corporation (the Diocesan Trustee) and as such neither the land nor the buildings constructed thereon are formally assets of the MAT.
Land held by the Diocesan Trustee is used by the schools at the discretion of the Bishop and must be used for purposes which are consistent with the objects of the Diocesan Trust.
The day to day maintenance and care of the buildings and facilities used in respect of the Academy is the responsibility of the Local Governing Committee (with management responsibility being delegated to the Principal), who shall have regard at all times to the safety of the users of the buildings and the facilities and the obligations of the Trust to the Diocesan Trustee, as the legal owner of such buildings and facilities under the Diocesan Memorandum of Understanding.
It is guided in that responsibility by the requirements of the law, the advice of the Diocesan Trustee, and its duty to the school and the Catholic community.