Examples of Discharge instructions in a sentence
Discharge instructions are documented and provided to the patient or the patient's representative before the patient is discharged unless the patient leaves the hospital against a medical staff member's advice.
Discharge instructions shall be provided in writing to the individual, his authorized representative, and the successor provider, as applicable.
Discharge instructions may be included in the final progress note or may refer to nursing discharge instruction sheet.
Discharge instructions shall include at a minimum medications and dosages; names, phone numbers, and addresses of any providers to whom the individual is referred; current medical issues or conditions; and the identity of the treating health care providers.
LaFountain asked Grillo to confirm that orders are received electronically and then manufactured and shipped.
Discharge instructions and contacts for following up on care and treatment.
Discharge instructions to include diet, medications, limitations for physical activity, and follow-up care.
Discharge instructions and prescriptions should also be given by the hospital to the driver.
After following the Discharge instructions on pages 22-23, the application status will automatically update to “Discharged.”Note for Provider staff when entering new clients: When the form is saved, this field will automatically show Pending.
Transcribe Discharge instructions as per order and instruct patient.