Examples of Discovery Assessment Plan in a sentence
Declaration of Commercial Feasibility Upon compliance with the Discovery Assessment Plan approved by ANP, the Operating Committee may, at its sole discretion, submit the Declaration of Commercial Feasibility for the Discovery.
If, at the end of the Exploration Phase, the Consortium Members have started drilling the last exploratory well of the Exploration Plan without having completed the Well Assessment, the Exploration Phase shall be extended until the Well Completion date, with an addition of sixty (60) days to submit any proposals for a Discovery Assessment Plan.
For the Exploration Phase to be extended, pursuant to paragraph 10.16, the time elapsed between the notification of Discovery referred to in paragraph 12.1 and submission by the Consortium Members of the proposal for a Discovery Assessment Plan to ANP may not exceed six (6) months, except for exceptional events previously authorized by the Contracting Party, based on ANP’s opinion.
Incorporation of the New Reservoir into the Field shall be preceded by a Discovery Assessment Plan approved by ANP, except when its immediate incorporation is expressly authorized by ANP.
During the period of thirty (30) days of submission of the proposal, the Operating Committee shall meet to analyze and resolve upon the proposed Discovery Assessment Plan.
If the Consortium Members make a Discovery during the Exploration Phase when it is not possible to perform the Discovery Assessment before the end of this phase, the Consortium Members may request ANP to extend the Exploration Phase to the term required to perform the Assessment and issue any Declaration of Commercial Feasibility, according to a Discovery Assessment Plan approved by ANP.
Discovery Assessment through Extended Well Test If the Discovery Assessment Plan contemplates the performance of an Extended Well Test, the Consortium Members shall request to ANP a specific authorization to do so.
In case the Operating Committee deems that a Discovery needs to be assessed, the Operator shall submit to the other Consortium Members a detailed proposal for a Discovery Assessment Plan within sixty (60) days.
The extension referred to in paragraph 10.16 is limited exclusively to the area covered by the Discovery Assessment Plan approved by ANP.
If the Consortium Members decide to proceed to the Discovery Assessment, they must submit for approval by ANP a proposal for a Discovery Assessment Plan.