Dissolution order definition
Examples of Dissolution order in a sentence
If the obligor's debt is expressed as a percentage of his or her periodic retirement payment and the obligee does not have a survivorship interest in the obligor's benefit, the(a) Department's acceptance - The department's determi-nation that a dissolution order fully complies with the depart- ment's requirements and with chapter 41.50 RCW.(b) Dissolution order - RCW 41.50.500.
You need to send:• Decree Absolute or• Dissolution order or• a final or conditional order or• a letter from your solicitor confirming your status• original death certificateSeparated, divorced or dissolved civil partnership Widowed or surviving civil partner e🛈If you are not married or in a civil partnership, but are living with a partner as defined in section 1, question 1.4 of these notes, we will take your partner’s income intoaccount.
If gainsharing is applied after you have transferred to Plan 3, only you will receive the gainsharing amount.(5) Terms used:(a) Dissolution order - RCW 41.50.500.(b) Ex-spouse - WAC 415-02-030.(c) Gainsharing - Chapter 41.31 RCW (Plan 1); chapter 41.31A RCW (Plan 3); WAC 415-02-030; 415-111-440.
Separated, divorced ordissolved civil partnershipA photocopy of:• Decree absolute, or• Dissolution order, or• A letter from your solicitorconfirming your status.
You need to send:• Decree Absolute or• Dissolution order or• A letter from your solicitor confirming your status• Original death certificateSeparated, divorced or dissolved civil partnership Widowed or surviving civil partner 🛈If you are not married or in a civil partnership, but are living with a partner as defined in section 1, question 1.4 of these notes, we will take your partner’s income intoaccount.
There is no compulsion in law that the winding up order must finally culminate into a Dissolution order in all the cases.