Examples of Distribution Grid in a sentence
For interconnection applications to SCE’s or SDG&E’s Distribution Grid, seller should contact the applicable Distribution Provider representative.
A Delivery Point may be any Technical Unit or a group of Technical Units identified by a Measurement Device: • at an Access Point connected to the XXXX Grid or to a CDS; • at an Access Point connected to the Public Distribution Grid; • within the electrical facilities of a Grid User downstream of an Access Point connected to the XXXX Grid or to a CDS; • within the electrical facilities of a Grid User downstream of an Access Point connected to the Public Distribution Grid.
The paper first addresses the main design objec- tives and requirements of new generation distribution grids’ EMS and analyzes current approaches for co- ordinating the allocation of flexible DER: Microgrids and VPPs. Then we propose the concept of Virtual- ized Distribution Grid (VDG) as a new paradigm fa- cilitating distribution grid management.
For more information, please refer to theCAISO Tariff via the CAISO website at: http://www.caiso.com/planning/Pages/GeneratorInterconnection/Default.aspx.For interconnection applications to SCE’s or SDG&E’s Distribution Grid, seller should contact the applicable Distribution Provider representative.
Open Joint-Stock Company Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals and Volga was set up on 28 February 2005 based on Order of the Chairman of the Management Board of Open Joint-Stock Company RAO United Energy Systems of Russia (hereinafter referred to as RAO UES) No. 28r dated 24 February 2005.