District Request definition
Examples of District Request in a sentence
For scheduled leaves, when the employee knows in advance he/she will need to be absent, the employee shall submit the District Request for Leave of Absence form, signed by his/her supervisor, to the Human Resources Department.
Professional development credit earned through college courses is limited to two days annually and is subject to principal approval, an Out of District Request Form must be completed.
A Unit Member who wishes to load bank an overload or intersession assignment in lieu of receiving current compensation shall submit a completed District Request to Load Bank Assignment(s) form to the Unit Member’s Immediate Management Supervisor, not later than one week prior to the extended day payroll deadline for the semester/trimester during which the assignment is scheduled.
A Unit Member who wishes to use accumulated load banked assignments for load banking leave shall submit a completed District Request to Withdraw Load Banking Credit form to the Unit Member’s Immediate Management Supervisor not later than the established time of scheduling for the regular semester/trimester during which the leave is requested.
If the contractor/vendor fails to meet the burden of proof to have the proposal withdrawn, the request to withdraw the proposal will be denied, and if the contractor/vendor fails to execute the contract the bid guarantee will be forfeited and become the property of the Board of Education.Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District Request for ProposalRFP PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED DOCUMENTATIONAll documents in this section shall be completed, signed and submitted with the proposal package.
Ysleta Independent School District, Request for Proposal 22-1113-016RFP, released October 17, 2001 (Ysleta RFP).
Unit members using Personal Necessity Leave under this provision, when approved, must verify on the District Request for Personal Necessity form that the leave was for Personal Necessity and not used for recreational purposes, extension of a holiday, vacation or for matters of purely personal convenience.
CONTINUED PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN PB #1004-18 Continued Preliminary Site Plan Application Name: Delaware River Solar LLC, 33 Irving Place, New York, N.Y.10003Location: 466 Yellow Mills Road Zoning District: A-80 Agricultural District Request: Preliminary Site Plan approval for erect a 7-megawatt Photovoltaic (PV) Solar System comprised of 21,000 solar panels utilizing approximately 35 acres of land to be located upon three subdivided lots from Tax Map #010.00-01-37.100.
If the contractor/vendor fails to meet the burden of proof to have the proposal withdrawn, the request to withdraw the proposal will be denied, and if the contractor/vendor fails to execute the contract the bid guarantee will be forfeited and become the property of the Board of Education.Keansburg School District Request for ProposalRFP PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED DOCUMENTATIONAll documents in this section shall be completed, signed and submitted with the proposal package.
Applicants who believe that they possess qualifications equivalent to the minimum qualifications for a position and wish to request that a determination of equivalency be made in a specific discipline must complete a District Request for Equivalency form and provide supporting documentation as appropriate.