Boarding house means a residence in which lodging and meals are provided. Each resident of a boarding house is charged a lump sum to cover the costs of lodging and meals with no separate accounting for the fair selling price of the meals.
Rooming house means any dwelling, or that part of a dwelling containing one or more rooming units in which space is let by the owner or operator to three or more persons who are not husband and wife, son or daughter, mother or father, or sister or brother of the owner or operator.
Lodging House means a building designed or intended to contain, or containing Lodging Units where the residents share access to common areas of the building, other than the Lodging Units;
Halfway house means a facility licensed by the division of parole and community services of the department of rehabilitation and correction pursuant to section 2967.14 of the Revised Code as a suitable facility for the care and treatment of adult offenders.
Dwelling house means any residential property assessed as real
Clearing House means a clearing house recognised by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Shares (or depositary receipts therefor) are listed or quoted on a stock exchange or interdealer quotation system in such jurisdiction.
Trinity House means the Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond;
Automated Clearing House or “ACH” means a national and governmental organization that has authority to process electronic payments, including, but not limited to, the national automated clearing house association and the federal reserve system.
Apartment house OR "MULTIPLE DWELLING" means any building, not being a lodging-house or hotel, or portion thereof, which is designed, built, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or which is occupied, as the home or residence of three or more families living independently of each other and doing their own cooking within their apartment, suite or dwelling unit.
Certified household means a household that has been certified by an Administrative Agent as a low-income household or moderate-income household.
Youth center means any public or private facility that is primarily used to host recreational or social activities for minors, including, but not limited to, private youth membership organizations or clubs, social service teenage club facilities, video arcades, or similar amusement park facilities.
Interstate system means that portion of the national system of interstate and defense highways, located within this state, as officially designated, or as may hereafter be designated, by the commissioner, and approved by the secretary of transportation of the United States, pursuant to title 23 of the United States Code;
guest house means an accommodation establishment providing overnight lodging with at least one daily meal;
Virginia Stormwater Management Program or “VSMP” means a program approved by the State Board after September 13, 2011, that has been established by a locality to manage the quality and quantity of runoff resulting from land-disturbing activities and shall include such items as local ordinances, rules, permit requirements, annual standards and specifications, policies and guidelines, technical materials, and requirements for plan review, inspection, enforcement, where authorized in this article, and evaluation consistent with the requirements of this article and associated regulations.
Serving Wire Center (SWC) means a Wire Center that serves the area in which the other Party’s or a third party’s Wire Center, aggregation point, point of termination, or point of presence is located.
Clearing House Rules means the Certificate of Incorporation, the By- Laws and any rule, interpretation, stated policy, or instrument corresponding to any of the foregoing, in each case as adopted or amended from time to time by the Clearing House relating to any or all of the Swaps.
Boathouse (NR 115.03(1h)) means a permanent structure used for the storage of watercraft and associated materials and includes all structures which are totally enclosed, have roofs or walls or any combination of these structural parts.
Median household income (MHI) means the calculation computed by the U.S. Census Bureau - Income of Households - This includes the income of the householder and all other individuals 15 years old and over in the household, whether they are related to the householder or not. Because many households consist of only one-person, average household income is usually less than average family income. The median divides the income distribution into two equal parts: one-half of the cases falling below the median income and one-half above the median. For households and families, the median income is based on the distribution of the total number of households and families including those with no income. The median income for individuals is based on individuals 15 years old and over with income. Median income for households, families, and individuals is computed on the basis of a standard distribution.
Wire Center means the location of one (1) or more local switching systems. It is also a point at which End User’s loops within a defined geographic area converge. Such local loops may be served by one (1) or more Central Office Switches within such premises.
Serving Wire Center (SWC) means the Wire Center that serves the area in which the other Party’s or a Third Party’s Wire Center, aggregation point, point of termination, or point of presence is located.
Primary highway means a state trunk line highway as designated, or as may hereafter be so designated, by the state highway department, and approved by the United States secretary of transportation, pursuant to the provisions of title 23 of the United States code.
Elderly Housing means housing intended for and only occupied by Elderly persons, including a family in which all members are Elderly. All household members must be Elderly (no children, and no disabled persons under the age of 62).
Center means the center for educational performance and information created in section 94a.
Teller s check” means a draft drawn by a bank on another bank, or payable at or through a bank.
Tank wagon means a straight truck having 1 or more compartments other than the fuel supply tank designed or used to carry motor fuel.
Interstate highway means a highway route on the interstate system as defined in and designated pursuant to Title 23 of the United States Code, prior to the effective date of this act.