Partial Hospitalization means an outpatient program specifically designed for the diagnosis or active treatment of a serious mental disorder when there is a reasonable expectation for improvement or when it is necessary to maintain a patient’s functional level and prevent relapse or full hospitalization. Partial hospital programs are usually furnished by a hospital as distinct and organized intensive ambulatory treatment service of less than 24-hour daily care.
Hospitalization means admission in a Hospital for a minimum period of 24 consecutive ‘In- patient Care’ hours except for specified procedures/ treatments, where such admission could be for a period of less than 24 consecutive hours.
Continuing care retirement community means a residential
Transplant hospital means a hospital that furnishes organ transplants and other medical and surgical specialty services required for the care of transplant patients.
Care Plan means a licensee's written description of a resident's needs, preferences, and capabilities, including by whom, when, and how often care and services are to be provided.
Community mental health program means all mental health
Religious organization means a church, ecclesiastical corporation, or group, not organized for pecuniary profit, that gathers for mutual support and edification in piety or worship of a supreme deity.
Medical flexible spending arrangement or "medical FSA" means a benefit plan whereby eligible state employees may reduce their salary before taxes to pay for medical expenses not reimbursed by insurance as provided in the salary reduction plan established under chapter
Primary care physician means a physician qualified to be an attending physician according to ORS 656.005(12)(b)(A) and who is a general practitioner, family practitioner, or internal medicine practitioner.
Health care plan means any contract, policy or other arrangement for benefits or services for medical or dental care or treatment under:
public hospital means a governmental entity of a political subdivision of the state of Iowa that is authorized by legislative authority. For purposes of this subrule, a “public hospital” must also meet the requirements of Iowa Code section 249J.3. Under Iowa Code section 249J.3, a “public hospital” must be licensed pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 135B and governed pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 145A (merged hospitals), Iowa Code chapter 347 (county hospitals), Iowa Code chapter 347A (county hospitals payable from revenue), or Iowa Code chapter 392 (creation by city of a hospital or health care facility). For the purposes of this definition, “public hospital” does not include a hospital or medical care facility that is funded, operated, or administered by the Iowa department of human services, Iowa department of corrections, or board of regents, or the Iowa Veterans Home.
Family child care home means a private home in which 1 but fewer than 7 minor children are received for care and supervision for compensation for periods of less than 24 hours a day, unattended by a parent or legal guardian, except children related to an adult member of the household by blood, marriage, or adoption. Family child care home includes a home in which care is given to an unrelated minor child for more than 4 weeks during a calendar year. A family child care home does not include an individual providing babysitting services for another individual. As used in this subparagraph, "providing babysitting services" means caring for a child on behalf of the child's parent or guardian if the annual compensation for providing those services does not equal or exceed $600.00 or an amount that would according to the internal revenue code of 1986 obligate the child's parent or guardian to provide a form 1099-MISC to the individual for compensation paid during the calendar year for those services.
Managed Care Plans means all health maintenance organizations, preferred provider organizations, individual practice associations, competitive medical plans and similar arrangements.
Mental health therapist means the same as that term is defined in Section 58-60-102.
Health Plans means any and all individual and family health and hospitalization insurance and/or self-insurance plans, medical reimbursement plans, prescription drug plans, dental plans and other health and/or wellness plans.
SPECIALTY HOSPITAL means a hospital or the specialty unit of a general hospital that is licensed by the state. It must be designed to care for patients with injuries or special illnesses. This includes, but is not limited to, a long-term acute care unit, an acute mental health or acute short-term rehabilitation unit or hospital. • convalescent home; • rest home; • nursing home; • home for the aged; • school and college infirmary; • residential treatment facility; • long-term care facility; • urgent care center or freestanding ambulatory surgical center; • facility providing mainly custodial, educational or rehabilitative care; or • a section of a hospital used for custodial, educational or rehabilitative care, even if accredited by the JCAHO or listed in the AHA directory.
Homeless children and youth means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, which includes:
Homeless children and youths means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This includes children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship or a similar reason, living in motels, parks or campgrounds; or children or youth who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a sleeping accommodation by human beings; or children or youth living in cars, abandoned buildings or substandard housing or similar situations; or migratory children because they are living in circumstances like those described above. “Substandard housing” may be determined by considering factors such as whether the setting in which the child or youth is living lacks water, electricity or heat; is infested with vermin or mold; lacks a working kitchen or toilet, or presents unreasonable dangers to adults, children or persons with disabilities. Cities, counties and states have varying housing codes that further define housing deemed substandard by law.
Family caregiver means a relative by blood, marriage, or Adoption who lives with or is the primary Caregiver of the terminally ill Member.
Nursing Care Plan means a plan of care developed by a nurse that describes the medical, nursing, psychosocial, and other needs of a child and how those needs shall be met. The Nursing Care Plan includes which tasks shall be taught, assigned, or delegated to the qualified provider or family.
Health plan or "health benefit plan" means any policy,
Acute care hospital means a Hospital that provides Acute Care Services. Adjudicate means to deny or pay a Clean Claim. Administrative Services see MCO Administrative Services. Administrative Services Contractor see HHSC Administrative Services Contractor.
Dependent care assistance program or "DCAP" means a benefit plan whereby school employees may pay for certain employment related dependent care with pretax dollars as provided in the salary reduction plan under chapter 41.05 RCW pursuant to 26 U.S.C. Sec. 129 or other sections of the Internal Revenue Code.
Managed care plan means a health benefit plan that either requires a covered person to use, or
Mental Hospital means a health care facility (or its psychiatric unit) which:
Health care worker means a person other than a health care professional who provides medical, dental, or other health-related care or treatment under the direction of a health care professional with the authority to direct that individual's activities, including medical technicians, medical assistants, dental assistants, orderlies, aides, and individuals acting in similar capacities.