Dosing chamber definition

Dosing chamber means a water tight receptacle that employs a pump or automatic siphon to elevate or distribute efflu- ent to the private sewage system.
Dosing chamber means a tank/receptacle for retaining effluent until pumped by timing and/or measured volumes to the pressurized absorption facility.
Dosing chamber means a watertight tank or receptacle used for the purpose of retaining the overflow or effluent from a septic tank, pending its discharge to a selected point.

Examples of Dosing chamber in a sentence

  • Dosing chamber shall mean a receptacle for retaining wastewater until pumped or siphoned to the soil absorption system.Dosing device shall mean a pump, siphon, or other device that discharges septic tank effluent from the dosing chamber to the absorption areas.

  • Dosing chamber shall mean a receptacle for retaining wastewater until pumped or siphoned to the soil absorption system.

  • Dosing chamber and land application system vents are visible on far side of tank.

More Definitions of Dosing chamber

Dosing chamber means a watertight receptacle located between the OWTS treatment unit (i.e. septic tank or supplemental treatment unit) and a disposal field equipped with an automatic siphon or pump designed to discharge wastewater intermittently to the distribution pipe or lateral in amounts proportioned to the capacity of such lines or laterals and to provide adequate rest periods between such discharges.
Dosing chamber means a watertight receptacle which houses a sewage effluent pump or siphon and stores sewage effluent from a septic tank until it is pumped or dosed to a disposal field.
Dosing chamber means a receptacle for retaining wastewater until pumped by time and/or regulated measured volumes to the absorption facility.
Dosing chamber means a receptacle for retaining wastewater until pumped or regulated to the absorption facility.
Dosing chamber means a receptacle for retaining wastewater until pumped or siphoned to the soil absorption system.
Dosing chamber means a receptacle for retaining wastewater until pumped by time and/or regulated measured volumes to the pressurized absorption facility. “Down Gradient” means an area that has a lower potentiometric surface (hydraulic head) than a comparative reference point.
Dosing chamber means a tank/receptacle for retaining wastewater effluent until pumped by timeing and/or regulated measured volumes to the pressurized absorption facility.