Rest Periods definition

Rest Periods. Employees who work six (6) hours to eight (8) hours per day shall be assigned two
Rest Periods. Any employee arriving at and departing from or vice-versa, shall have a minimum legal rest period of not less than ten hours even if layover hotel is considered at or near the airport. REASSIGNMENT: The provisions of Article Reassignment, will apply except that Cabin Personnel holding blocks containing primarily flights be reassigned to flights as a first preference and Cabin Personnel holding blocks containing primarily flights will be reassigned to flights as a first preference. Where this is not possible, they will be reassigned to flights originating at either airport in accordance with Article Reassignment.
Rest Periods. A ten hour rest period will be granted to each employee commencing with release from training session or on arrival at Home Base where travel was involved. Where the rest period commences after travel and arrival at Home Base and such rest period overlaps into a blocked flight, the employee will be subject to Article Reassignment, on termination of the ten

Examples of Rest Periods in a sentence



  • REST PERIODS Employees shall be provided a fifteen (15) minute rest period during each four (4) hour period of work.

  • REST PERIODS Two (2) rest periods of fifteen (15) minutes, including travelling to and work stations, shall be provided each working day.

More Definitions of Rest Periods

Rest Periods. All Employees shall receive a rest period of ten ( 10) minutes in the morning and ten ( 10) minutes in the afternoon. LUNCH HOUR—All employees shall receive one (1) full hour for lunch, except night stockers where a lunch hour shall be optional with each individual store. MID-SHIFT LUNCH HOUR— Male employees will be given their meal period as nearly as possible in the middle of their shift. DEFINITION—For purposes of this Contract, lunch periods will not be considered time worked. HOME WORK PROHIBITED— Cashiers shall perform all work on the premises of the employer, and in no event shall take books, records, moneys or properties of the employer outside of the store to complete or catch up on their work. TRADING PROHIBITED— No employee shall be given time off in lieu of overtime pay. SPLIT SHIFTS PROHIBITED— There shall be no split shifts, and all time in one day shall run continuously from starting time to quitting time, except for lunch and rest periods. There shall be no work on Sundays, except in case of extreme emer­ gency to protect the property of the Employer. Any work performed on Sundays shall be paid for at the rate of double time. SCHEDULE POSTINGWork schedules shall be posted on Saturday for the following week and there shall be no changes in the posted schedule except for good cause. TIME CLOCKS— All employees must punch time clock or sign time card. Cards or records must remain in card rack until after employees leave on every night including Saturday. PAID HOLIDAYS— The following shall be recognized as holi­ days: New Year’s Day, Decoration Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. There shall be no work on any of the above-mentioned legal holidays or days legally celebrated in lieu thereof, and all regular full-time employees are to receive eight (8) hours pay. Regular full­ time employees who work part but not all of a holiday week, their absence being due to proven illness (employer may re­ quire doctor’s certificate), are to receive holiday pay. SEVENTH HOLIDAY—A seventh (7th) holiday shall be paid and it shall be the Monday following the employee’s birth­ day. Should the Monday following the employee’s birthday be the employee’s regular day off, the employee shall be given the following day off with pay as a holiday. Should the Mon­ day following the employee’s birthday be recognized in the contract as a paid holiday, the employee shall be given the Monday of the following week off with pay as a holiday. UNIF...
Rest Periods. Entitlement to rest periods is detailed in section 8 of the Statement of Particulars. The curate’s normal day off will be …………………………………………… Annual Leave: Entitlement to annual leave is detailed in section 8 of the Statement of Particulars. All annual leave and other time off should be authorized by your Training Incumbent. Sickness Absence: Please see section 9 of the Statement of Particulars. Please note that you should always inform your Training Incumbent if you are unwell and need to take time off from your curacy. Additionally, if you believe your illness has had an effect on your progress, or if you are given a phased return to work, you should inform the Director of Ministry/IME Phase 2 Officer who will work with you to ensure appropriate support is provided. Together you will want to plan the use of time for the whole range of ministry activities. Roughly allocate time for: private and corporate prayer (in addition to that noted above) attendance at worship, Sunday services and other services during the week preparation for leading services and preaching occasional offices (when appropriate) Administration an annual retreat staff meetings team meetings, PCCs, ecumenical gatherings etc. pastoral responsibilities e.g. visiting, hospitals, care homes etc. children’s groups, schools, youth work home groups/prayer groups/ confirmation classes etc. a possible specific area of responsibility other, e.g. community involvement Especially for part-time Assistant/Associate Status Curates What are the particular foci of the curate’s ministry? How will this be expressed, affirmed and communicated in the parish? How will the curate’s secular employment, retirement or domestic commitments be understood and communicated within the parish? Curates who work part-time might like to complete the following table to indicate when their normal working sessions will be in addition to Sundays: Morning Afternoon Evening Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Rest Periods. (Hours free from work) “Work” has been defined over time in different forums for different purposes and it is not the intention therefore to develop a universal definition, but rather one which provides direction solely in applying Part VII of the ESA and associated regulations . For the purposes of implementing Part VII of the ESA and associated regulations and their application to the overtime and work assignment procedures, work will include all paid time, which includes standby, report and travel time and guarantee make up or minimum hours paid on call out but excludes spread time, whether or not such time is actually worked . For reporting purposes, work will be recorded in terms of hours irrespective of whether the hours attracted a premium . Considered work time Part of 24 Hr Rest/Week Part of 60 Hr Work Cap/ Week Single day vacation No Yes No Floater holiday No Yes No Bereavement – replacing day of work Yes No Yes Court/Jury Duty- replacing day of work Yes No Yes Statutory Holiday – Working Yes No Yes Statutory Holiday – Not Working No Yes No Unscheduled Absence Yes No Yes Unpaid Sickness/Non-Job related Injury No Yes No Paid Sickness JRI /Non-Job related Injury Yes No Yes Book off – Union Case 1 Yes No Yes Book off- Union Case 2 No Yes No Examples: - Definition of Work for Purposes of Determining Rest Periods and Eligibility for Overtime Book off- Personal Case 1 Yes No Yes Book off- Personal Case 2 No Yes No Committee and task force Outside of Regular Hours of Work No Yes No H&S Committee Member In That Capacity (see below) Yes No Yes BOP’s and BOU’s Case 1- request received after Wednesday of the week preceding the date(s) requested Case 2- request received on or before the Wednesday of the week preceding the date(s) requested and must be for full days
Rest Periods. All bargaining unit members shall be granted paid rest periods which, insofar as practicable, shall be in the middle of each four (4) hour work period at the rate of fifteen (15) minutes per four hours worked. Deviations in a scheduling rest breaks are permissible if there is a mutual agreement between the unit member and the supervisor. The District shall make available at each school lunchroom, restroom, and lavatory facilities for all school/district staff.
Rest Periods. Two rest periods, not to exceed 15 minutes each, shall be provided during the normal workday. Rest periods shall be taken at a time approved by the nurse and the nurses' supervisor - 1 period in the 1st half of the normal workday and 1 period in the 2nd half.
Rest Periods. The Hospital will allow two (2) fifteen (1 5) minute rest periods during each eight (8) hour shift provided the second rest period shall commence at least one (1) hour prior to the termination of the at the discretion of the Department Head.
Rest Periods. All employees shall receive two (2), fifteen (15) minute rest periods in an eight (8) hour day. Employees working beyond nine (9) hours in a day shall receive an additional ten (10) minute rest period.