Drawdowns definition
Examples of Drawdowns in a sentence
If "No," is selected, one new question will appear in which the applicant must explain, in the textbox provided, as to why the recipient has not maintained consistent Quarterly Drawdowns for the most recent grant terms related to this renewal project request.
Quarterly Drawdowns: Select "Yes" or "No" from the dropdown menu to indicate whether your organization maintained consistent Quarterly Drawdowns from eLOCCS for the most recent grant terms related to this renewal project.
Drawdowns for the payment of eligible expenses shall be made against the line item budgets specified in Paragraph III herein and in accordance with performance.
Drawdowns for the payment of eligible expenses shall be made on a monthly basis against the budget specified herein and in accordance with performance.
Direct Administrative Costs - Drawdowns on a Payroll Cycle The State shall request funds for all direct administrative costs such that they are deposited on the dollar-weighted average date of clearance of payroll.