Examples of Dutch GAAP in a sentence
The validated NAV is representative of the fair value of the investments in the investment fund if the NAV is dated as of the Fund’s measurement date and is calculated in a manner consistent with fair value measurement principles under Dutch GAAP.
Dutch GAAP prefers that incorporation costs be expensed immediately.
The Fund Manager shall value the Fund Assets and Fund Obligations in accordance with Dutch GAAP and, where more specific, certain valuation methods set forth in the Terms and Conditions, whilst Dutch GAAP will prevail for financial reporting purposes should there be a conflict between the two.
Not surprisingly given the poor results in the judge- ments and estimates area, no project specific information was found in Dutch GAAP financial statements.
Also, we stimulate Dutch GAAP companies to provide detailed information on the transition impact of the revised standards in the 2022 financial statements.Furthermore, this study addressed the expected impact of the changes in the presentation requirements of DAS 221 and DAS 270.