Examples of Duty to intervene in a sentence
Duty to intervene and to report.2. Effective communication in a range of situations and varied communities, including everyday contacts, dealing with people with mental health and/or substance abuse problems, and basic negotiations techniques.
Chief Blake discussed national and local concerns over the following eight topics: Ban choke holds and strangleholds; Require de-escalation; Require warnings before shooting; Exhaust all alternatives before shooting; Duty to intervene; Ban shooting at moving vehicles; Require use of force continuum; and Require comprehensive reporting.
An employee or the Union may grieve any matter through level four as described below.
Act 75 addresses four areas: Use of Force, including use of deadly force, Duty to report noncompliant use of force, Duty to intervene and Whistle blower protections The Brown Deer Police Department has reviewed, updated, and trained its personnel on the changes.The Brown Deer Police Department is committed to transparency with our community and in keeping with that commitment, the Department has enhanced the daily report.
The scope of work shall include the data collection, processing, consulting and any other analytic work needed to prepare the projections of population and water demands as well as scenarios of water saving from Municipal and Industrial water use sectors.