Dwelling Room definition

Dwelling Room means either:
Dwelling Room means a room used as living accommodation that: (a) is for the exclusive use of the occupant or occupants of the room; and (b) may contain food preparation facilities or sanitary facilities, but not both.
Dwelling Room means a room used or designed for human habitation which has culinary or sanitary facilities, but does not include:

Examples of Dwelling Room in a sentence

  • See the Minimum Dwelling Room Sizes requirements at the end of this Section.

  • Dwelling Room - means a room used as living accommodation that is available for rent and that is not self-contained.

  • Dwelling Room A room is treated as a dwelling room if it has walls with a doorway and a roof and should be wide and long enough for a person to sleep in.

  • We also thank the Ontario Trillium Foundation, which funded complementary initiatives that also functioned to support this work.Special thanks to all the tenants, community members, agency staff, and City staff who took the time to participate in the Dwelling Room Preservation Policy Working Group and who contributed to the creation of this report.Finally, thanks to the thousands of tenants across the city who are organizing in formal and informal ways to protect their housing.

  • Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, is further amended by adding a new definition for dwelling room in Chapter 800.50 (219) so that it reads: Dwelling Room - means a room used as living accommodation that is available for rent and that is not self-contained.

More Definitions of Dwelling Room

Dwelling Room means separate living quarters located within a Senior Citizens' Retirement Home Facility which shall include washrooms, and may include limited culinary facilities in units, but shall not contain a washroom and an oven;
Dwelling Room means a private room for the exclusive use of the occupant or occupants of the room, designed or intended for use for living accommodation and may include either but not both culinary or sanitary conveniences accommodation, where such living accommodation is provided in exchange for remuneration in the form of rent payable to the landlord; [if applicable]
Dwelling Room means a room used as living accommodation that is available for rent and that is not self- contained. A dwelling room may contain private sanitary facilities or cooking facilities, but not both. It does not include a room in a hotel or a room within a dwelling unit;
Dwelling Room means separate living quarters located in a Senior Citizens' Retirement Home Facility designed or intended for use or used by an individual or individuals and which shall include at least one room and separate sanitary conveniences and shall not include culinary services, with a private entrance from outside and/or from a common hallway inside;
Dwelling Room means a room used as living accommodation that is available for rent and that is not self- contained. A dwelling room may contain private sanitary facilities or cooking facilities, but not both. It does not include a room providing sleeping accommodation in a hotel or a room within a dwelling unit;
Dwelling Room means a room used as living accommodation that is available for rent and that is not self-contained. A dwelling room may contain private sanitary facilities or cooking facilities, but not both.
Dwelling Room means a room used as living accommodation that is available for rent and that is not self-contained. A dwelling room may contain private sanitary facilities or cooking facilities, but not both. A dwelling room, for the purposes of this policy, excludes living accommodation exempted from the application of the Residential Tenancies Act, or successor legislation. [11] Ms. Chorney further opined that OPA 453 has regard for matters of provincial interest by providing for a range of housing options including affordable housing as identified in s. 2(j) of the Act. [12] Ms. Chorney also opined that OPA 453 is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2020 (“PPS 2020”) and as well, conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2020 (the “Growth Plan”) in similar fashion by providing housing of mixed choices that is inclusive of affordable housing options. [13] Ms. Chorney stated that OPA 453 maintains the intent and purpose of the City’s Official Plan and specifically Section 3.2.1 Housing, through the policy of maintaining affordable housing choices in the City and replenishing where such opportunities exist in new developments. [14] The Tribunal, based on consent and submissions of all the parties; the unopposed and uncontroverted expert opinion evidence of Ms. Chorney finds that OPA 453, as amended, has regard for matters of provincial interest, is consistent with PPS 2020, conforms with the Growth Plan and maintains the general intent and purpose ofthe City’s Official Plan. This Tribunal finding does not apply to matters of two site specific appeals that continue for lands municipally known as 295 Jarvis Street, Toronto; and 935 Queen Street West, Toronto and the Tribunal confirms that the policies of Revised OPA 453 are in full force and effect, with the exception only as they apply to these lands which are the subject of the two site-specific appeals. [15] The City requested that the Tribunal render an oral decision if appropriate. The Tribunal provided an oral decision at the conclusion of the CMC approving the amended OPA 453 as presented and now appended as Attachment 1 to this decision and order. [16] The Tribunal also reviewed plans to resolve the remaining two site specific appeals in this matter. The parties submitted that much would depend upon the processing of development plans for the two excerpted properties and that work is underway in this regard. Based on submissions of the parties the City is directed to provide an update...