Examples of Dwelling Room in a sentence
See the Minimum Dwelling Room Sizes requirements at the end of this Section.
Dwelling Room - means a room used as living accommodation that is available for rent and that is not self-contained.
Dwelling Room A room is treated as a dwelling room if it has walls with a doorway and a roof and should be wide and long enough for a person to sleep in.
We also thank the Ontario Trillium Foundation, which funded complementary initiatives that also functioned to support this work.Special thanks to all the tenants, community members, agency staff, and City staff who took the time to participate in the Dwelling Room Preservation Policy Working Group and who contributed to the creation of this report.Finally, thanks to the thousands of tenants across the city who are organizing in formal and informal ways to protect their housing.
Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, is further amended by adding a new definition for dwelling room in Chapter 800.50 (219) so that it reads: Dwelling Room - means a room used as living accommodation that is available for rent and that is not self-contained.