Examples of EA 2002 in a sentence
Part of the training dealt with civil works for facilities including PHUS.The EA (2002) of HRSDP and updated of 2007 covered only Four (4) Districts.
This more localised service was designed to give an improved service and more timely warnings to local people, with an increased emphasis on awareness of what the warnings mean, and what to do when they are received (EA, 2002).
An EMP has been prepared and presented in Table 5.This EMP focuses specially on the RCHP which was not included in the EA (2002; updated 2007) for HSRDP.
Additionally, any additional or substitute general partner of the Partnership shall have organizational documents that (i) conform in all material respects to the organizational documents of the General Partner, inclusive of all single purpose/bankruptcy remote provisions and (b) arc acceptable to the Lender.
Non-emergency messages will be given to the students in between classes.
A joint venture will trigger merger control where the assets contributed are sufficient to constitute an ‘enterprise’, defined in section 2.1 above.Note that the analysis of a joint venture under the EA 2002 differs from the analysis of a ‘full function joint venture’ under the EUMR.
On 23 October 2007, the then Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families announced plans to expand the diploma programme to include subject-based diplomas in science, languages and the humanities.121 Section 74 of the EIA 2006 inserted a new section 85A into the Education Act 2002 (EA 2002) to provide an entitlement for all 14 to 16 year olds to follow a course of study that would lead to a specialist diploma in an ‘entitlement area’ specified by the Secretary of State by order.
E.C. and Thompson, E.A. (2002) A model-based method for identifying species hybrids using multilocus genetic data.
The roles and responsibilities assigned in the EA (2002; updated 2007) for stakeholders has clearly not chanted but the role of LCs have to be emphasized.
It amends section 110 of the EA 2002 to align enforcement provisions for the investigation powers with the changes described above.