Easter definition
Examples of Easter in a sentence
Business Day means Monday to Friday inclusive, except New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and any other day that ASX declares is not a business day.
Holidays and holiday weekends shall include New Year's, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
For purposes of this section 14, Business Day includes Remembrance Day, if it falls on a day other than Saturday or Sunday, and Easter Monday.
Employee/s will be entitled to the following holidays without deduction of pay: • New Years Day • Australia Day • Good Friday • Easter Saturday • Easter Monday • Anzac Day • Queen’s Birthday • Labour Day • Christmas Day • Boxing Day • Melbourne Cup Day Subject to the agreement of the parties employee/s will have the option of replacing the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday with the local race day (ie.
As at 1 April 2004, work is prohibited on the weekends and agreed RDO’s adjacent to Australia Day, Easter Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Queens Birthday, Labour Day and Union Picnic Day.
For holidays such as Easter and Chinese New Year, the minimum stay is 5 nights.
When a public holiday is on a Saturday or Sunday (except Easter Saturday) or rostered day off a day in lieu will be observed on the next calendar working day.
Sunday ratios of full-time to part-time employees, as provided for in this Agreement, shall not apply on Easter Sunday.
In the event the Employer is not able to obtain enough qualified voluntary employees in the needed classifications, qualified employees in the needed classifications shall be selected to work on Easter Sunday by order of inverse seniority.
Employees other than casuals shall be entitled to the following Public Holidays without loss of pay: New Year's Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Labour Day, Anzac Day, Queens Birthday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, or any other day substituted by an Act of Parliament as a public holiday in Victoria.