First Step Sample Clauses
First Step. An attempt shall be made to resolve any grievance in informal, verbal discussion between complainant and his/her principal.
First Step. If a dispute cannot be resolved by this method, the Accredited Union Representative may file a formal grievance on the prescribed form with EPSCA/the Employer within fifteen (15) working days of the alleged grievous act. Within ten (10) working days of the filing of the grievance, EPSCA/the Employer shall investigate the grievance and convene a First Step meeting which he or the Accredited Union Representative considers necessary to resolve it. The Management Committee shall be comprised of EPSCA or their designate plus at least one representative of the Employer named in the grievance. The Union Committee shall include at least two persons, one of whom shall be the Accredited Union Representative for the grievor. EPSCA/the Employer shall give his reply on the prescribed form to the Accredited Union Representative within five (5) working days from the date of the First Step meeting. Copies of completed grievance forms signed by the appropriate parties shall be filed by EPSCA/the Employer with the General Manager of EPSCA. The Accredited Union Representative for the grievor will file a copy with the Union. The EPSCA/the Employer will send a copy of any signed first step grievance settlement between the Accredited Union Representative and EPSCA/the Employer to the Union and EPSCA office.
First Step. In general, every employee may seek to settle informally with an immediate supervisor any dispute which may arise, either with or without a local representative in attendance. Such informal settlement shall not be used as a precedent by either party. In the event that the dispute is not settled under this step, the immediate supervisor shall advise the grievor of the name and address of the Employer representative designated to handle grievances at step 2.
First Step. The employee must submit his/her appeal to the Department Head within ten calendar days following the employee’s receipt of his/her performance evaluation, and the appeal to the Department Head must be submitted in writing, with the employee specifically stating the reasons why he/she believes the performance evaluation needs to be revised.
First Step. An attempt shall be made to resolve any grievance in informal discussion between complainant and his/her immediate supervisor. If the grievance cannot be resolved informally, the aggrieved employee may file the grievance in writing and, at a mutually agreeable time, discuss the matter with the immediate supervisor. The written grievance shall state the nature of the grievance, shall note the specific clause or clauses that pertain to the specific grievance, and shall state the remedy requested. The filing of the formal, written grievance at the second step must be within ten (10) workdays from the date of the event giving rise to the grievance. The supervisor shall make a decision on the grievance and communicate it in writing to the grievant, the Union and the superintendent or designee within ten (10) workdays after receipt of written notice of the grievance. In the event a grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved at the second step, the aggrieved employee may file, within ten (10) workdays of the supervisor's written decision at the second step, a copy of the grievance with the superintendent or designee. Within ten (10) workdays after such written grievance is filed, the aggrieved employee and the superintendent or his/her designee shall meet to resolve the grievance. The superintendent or his/her designee shall file an answer within ten (10) workdays of the third step grievance meeting and communicate it in writing to the grievant, the Union and the supervisor. If the grievance is not resolved satisfactorily at step three, there shall be available a fourth and final step. Within ten (10) workdays, the Union and the employee may submit the grievance in writing to binding arbitration. An employee may submit a grievance to arbitration only with approval of the Union. Within ten (10) workdays of written notice to submit the grievance to arbitration, the Board or the superintendent and the Union representative shall meet and attempt to agree on a mutually acceptable arbitrator and shall obtain a commitment from said arbitrator to serve. If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator or to obtain a commitment from the arbitrator, a request for a list of five (5) arbitrators will be made to the Public Employee Relations Board (PERB). Each of the two parties will alternately strike one name at a time from the list until only one name shall remain. The remaining name shall be the arbitrator. The arbitrator so selected shall confer with the Board o...
First Step. The employee or employees concerned shall first make efforts to resolve such grievance with their immediate supervisor concerned. The grievance shall be submitted to the supervisor within thirty (30) calendar days following the occurrence of the events on which the grievance is based.
First Step. An employee who has a complaint shall discuss it with his Supervisor and with his Shop Xxxxxxx (or his designate) present with a view to prompt and fair adjustment.
First Step. The grievance shall first be discussed on an informal basis by the grievant with the employee's immediate supervisor within ten (10) days from the date of the action causing the grievance as provided above. The immediate supervisor shall respond within ten (10) days. Every effort shall be made by the parties to resolve the grievance at this level and may include conferences among supervisory or administrative personnel. Such discussions will be held whenever possible during the grievant's work hours.
First Step. If a dispute cannot be resolved by this method, the Accredited Union Representative for the Union may file a formal grievance on the prescribed form with the EPSCA Representative/Area Construction Manager. Such grievance shall be filed within three (3) working days of the alleged grievous act. Within five (5) working days of the filing of the grievance, the appropriate EPSCA Representative/Area Construction Manager shall investigate the grievance and convene a meeting which he or the Accredited Union Representative considers necessary to resolve it. The appropriate EPSCA Representative/Area Construction Manager shall give his reply on the prescribed form to the Accredited Union Representative within two (2) working days from the date of the First Step meeting. Copies of completed grievance forms signed by the appropriate parties shall be filed by the appropriate EPSCA Representative/Area Construction Manager with the General Manager of EPSCA and by the Accredited Union Representative with the International Representative of the Union. If a first step grievance meeting is considered appropriate, the EPSCA Representative/Area Construction Manager shall appoint three people to represent management, one of whom shall be a representative of the Employer against whom the grievance has been filed. The Union Committee shall be comprised of at least the Accredited Union Representative.
First Step. A grievance shall be presented in writing to the department (salaried) supervisor by the employee and/or his union representative. The department supervisor shall give his reply in writing within three (3) working days of receiving the complaint.