Easter Sample Clauses
Easter. The Employer and the Employee agree that the Employer can require a Full Time or Part Time Employee who is rostered to work Sunday to Thursday to work and be paid for Easter as follows:
a. On the Thursday immediately preceding Good Friday an Employee would have been otherwise rostered to work but for the holiday and the Employee is not required to work will be paid their base rate of pay for the day not worked;
b. On Good Friday an Employee would not be required to work and would not be paid for the day
c. On Easter Saturday an Employee would not be required to work and would not be paid for the day;
d. On Easter Sunday an Employee would have been otherwise rostered to work but for the holiday and is not required to work by the Employer will be paid the base rate of pay for the substituted day together with the Sunday penalty for the Easter Sunday not worked; and
e. On Easter Monday an Employee required to work on the public holiday will not be entitled to any public holiday payment in accordance with subclause 5.7.1 of this clause and will instead be paid their base rate of pay plus half time (To be clear the Employee will receive their half time payment for work on a public holiday but will not receive any applicable shift loading and/or weekend penalty for work on that day).
Easter. Easter is not a holiday for purposes of this article nor the rest of this Agreement. Employers who desire may operate their stores on Easter. Stores opened on Easter will be staffed by volunteers only, who sign a posting to work. Only those employees signing the posting to volunteer shall be allowed to work Easter. The Employer shall provide the Union a copy of the signed posting. Employees working on Easter shall receive: • Traditional full-time will be paid time-and-one-half (1½) for hours worked on Easter. • Classified Assistants and Retail Specialists shall receive a four (4) dollar premium per hour for hours worked on Easter. • All other classifications shall receive a two (2) dollar premium per hour for hours worked on Easter.
Easter. 29.5.1 Permanent employees rostered on Easter Sunday in a store which is not permitted to open on Easter Sunday shall be given the day off with pay at the ordinary time earnings rate.
Easter. Where works are closed down at the Easter period, payment shall be made for the following holidays at ordinary rates to employees who have been employed for a period of not less than three (3) months: Good Friday and Easter Monday. Provided that the qualification of three (3) months’ prior employment above shall not apply to deprive an employee of payment for Good Friday and Easter Monday where the period between Christmas and Easter is less than three (3) months, if such employee has been continuously engaged between Christmas and Easter and is re-engaged on re-opening the works after Easter. Temporary breaks through wet weather shall not be deemed to break the continuity of employment.
Easter. Where works are closed down at the Easter period, payment shall be made for the following holidays at ordinary rates to employees (excluding Casuals) who have been employed for a period of not less than three months: Good Friday and Easter Monday. Provided that the qualification of three months’ prior employment above shall not apply to deprive an employee of payment for Good Friday and Easter Monday where the period between Christmas and Easter is less than three months if such employee has been continuously engaged between Christmas and Easter and is re-engaged on re-opening the works after Easter.
Easter. Employees who work in Urgent Care on Easter Sunday will receive the employee’s regular rate of pay for the hours worked on the holiday plus one (1) hour of pay as holiday pay for each hour worked on the holiday up to a maximum of eight (8) hours. Employees who do not work Easter will receive no holiday pay.
Easter. Employees whose regularly scheduled workday falls on Easter Sunday shall be compensated at a rate of time and one half times their hourly rate.
Easter. A similar arrangement shall apply with respect to the Easter 10 school holiday (or "Spring Break"). As with Christmas, the [child 11 or children] shall be with the [husband or wife] during the first half 12 of the holiday on even-numbered years, and vice versa on odd-numbered 13 years. The transfer shall take place at noon on the middle day of the 14 holiday or on the last day of the first half if the total number of available 15 days is even. 16 f. Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving holidays shall be alternated between the 17 parents, with the [husband or wife]having the [child or 18 children] on odd-numbered years, and the [husband or wife] on 19 even-numbered years. Visitation on odd-numbered years shall 20 commence at P.M. on the evening (Wednesday) preceding 21 Thanksgiving Day, and shall continue until P.M. on Sunday 22 evening. On even-numbered years, the [child or children] shall 23 remain with the [husband or wife] throughout the entire four-day 24 period, even though the weekend would otherwise have been scheduled 25 for visitation with the [husband or wife].
Easter. Xxxx shall have the children Easter weekend every odd- numbered year from 5:00 p.m. on the day school lets out until 8:00 a.m. on Monday, while Xxxx will always have the right to have the children with her on Easter weekend in every even-numbered year.
Easter. In odd-numbered years, Mother shall have the child on Easter beginning at 8 p.m. on the Saturday evening before Easton until 6 p.m. on Easter night (regardless of which parent has custody of the child that weekend), and the reverse with Father in even-numbered years. In odd-numbered years, Mother shall cooperate in good faith with Father to allow Father to take the child to church on Easter. In even numbered years, Father shall cooperate in good faith with Mother to allow Mother to have an Easter egg xxxx for the child.