Examples of ECB Website in a sentence
Results of each operation can be found on the ECB Website on 'Open Market Operations' in the Table 'Full details of outstanding and latest operations '.
It was acknowledged that the outcome would be published on the ECB Website.
You must use the Proposal Form found on the ECB Website to submit your Proposal.
Detailed information will be provided in the Registration Forms and Guide (available on the ECB Website).
The ordinary hours of duty shall be 40 hours per week to be worked in 5 days of 8 hours each (Monday to Friday inclusive) each continuously except for meal breaks between the hours of 8.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m., exclusive of meal time.
It was also acknowledged that due to GDPR reasons, the names of the CRG members that had joined in that meeting, had been removed from the outcome.The CRG members approved the updated outcome of the CRG meeting on 18 and 31 January 2023.Follow-up actions⮚ ECB team to publish in the ECB Website the outcome from the CRG meeting on 18 and 31 January 2023.
This was endorsed by the CSG/MIB in March.The CRG members took note that the Coordination Group agreed on 25 March to endorse the new TS Release Numbering convention which is valid from release R2023.JUN.Follow-up actions:⮚ ECB to publish an updated CRG member list in the ECB Website.
The CRG members took note that the updated version would be shared for information with the Steering Level.Follow-up actions:⮚ ECB Team to publish the updated version of CR-0782 in the ECB Website.
Background documentation:• Detailed Assessment of CR-700 for R6.0 [Postponed]• T2S-0700-SYS (Legal Archiving common component for T2S) [Postponed]• Ranked List of Change Requests as of 2 March 2021 (ECB Website) – for informationOutcomeThe PMG took note that the Detailed Assessment for Change Request T2S-0700-SYS that was expected for discussion in the meeting is delayed.
It was acknowledged that these outcomes would be published on the ECB Website.