Educationally disadvantaged definition
Examples of Educationally disadvantaged in a sentence
Educationally disadvantaged students are those who are falling behind their age peers in core academic areas with emphasis on reading, language arts & writing, and/or math.
The alterations will produce operational savings of approximately$15,000 per annum and extend the operating hours of the library at no additional cost.
If the letter of intent is not submitted on time, the 1 Educationally disadvantaged students are defined as students who are economically disadvantaged, English learners, students with disabilities, homeless or unaccompanied youth, migrant students, and immigrant students.
The following populations are considered vulnerable populations (list does not cover every group): Fetuses, neonates Individuals with diminished capacity Children Economically disadvantaged Pregnant women Educationally disadvantaged Prisoners If vulnerable population is recruited, provide a description of additional safeguards included in the study procedures and informed consent process to protect their rights and welfare.
Educationally disadvantaged populations✓ We intend to serve a large proportion of educationally disadvantaged students and choose one of the acceptable Comprehensive Performance Additional Measures.