Educational Environment. Teachers have academic freedom to raise issues in the educational environment of Glenbard Township High School District #87. Issues raised in the classroom shall be consistent with the established content and objectives of the course, which are appropriate to the various levels of student ability and maturity. Such issues shall be presented in an objective manner. This does not exclude the right and obligation of the Supervisors to question, consult and advise whenever necessary.
Educational Environment. A task force shall be established if deemed necessary by Board and Association representatives to recommend rules and regulations setting forth the procedures to be utilized in disciplining, or expelling students for misbehavior. Such written rules and regulations, if adopted by the Board, shall be distributed to students, teachers, and parents at the beginning of each school year. The District shall assist classroom teachers in their efforts to implement the educational plans of students with disabilities who are assigned to their classes. In addition, the District shall provide problem-solving procedures to resolve issues prompted by the placement of disabled students in the regular classroom.
Educational Environment. 5.5.1 The District shall make reasonable effort to maintain the temperature in each classroom at a level conducive to a good learning environment.
5.5.2 The District will make a reasonable effort to limit classroom interruptions (such as messages, announcements, maintenance) to those that are necessary and essential to the operation of the school's day-to-day business.
5.5.3 While on duty, nurses shall be provided with a suitable location to enable them to carry out their confidential services in privacy.
Educational Environment a. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s academic status (“quid pro quo”) or
b. Conduct that is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive so as to interfere with or limit a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or opportunities offered by the institution (“hostile environment”). Sexual harassment includes sexual violence, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and coercion or similar acts in violation of state or federal law.
Educational Environment. Organisational and management structure – commitment to engineering education; ‐ faculty and support staff profile; ‐ Academic leadership and educational culture; faculty engagement with outcomes‐ based educational design and delivery; ‐ Facilities and physical resources; ‐ Funding model; ‐ Strategic management of student profile.
Educational Environment a. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment or academic status ("quid pro quo"); or
b. Conduct that is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive so as to interfere with or limit a student's ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or opportunities offered by the institution ("hostile environment").
Educational Environment. It is agreed that the prime activity of the school takes place in the classroom. Therefore, interruptions of the daily classroom activity and/or final examination periods by messenger and/or public address system and/or inter-communications systems will be kept to an absolute minimum.
Educational Environment. 1. The Board and association will work collaboratively in building-level PBIS teams to implement state-mandated PBIS. Building-level teams shall use the Tier Fidelity Checklist as a guide in reviewing the District’s progress on applying PBIS, as well as make recommendations regarding addressing negative student behavior(s) that align to the PBIS model for the purpose of improving academic and social outcomes and increasing learning for all students, and creating an educational environment conducive to learning.
2. The teachers and the principal(s) of each school will communicate and cooperate with each other in a prompt and professional manner to maintain the effectiveness of school discipline through the PBIS model.
Educational Environment. ACE instructional staff members create a positive and nurturing learning environment focused on student success. As relationships are fostered between students and teachers, high expectations are maintained and students learn to take responsibility for their choices. Students are guided by the ACE staff members in goal setting and making positive choices related to academics, behavior, and post-secondary planning.
Educational Environment. The school calendar for each year will be distributed to teachers following its adoption by the Board. Teachers will be notified of subsequent changes in the adopted calendar as soon as possible.