Lunch Program Sample Clauses
Lunch Program. The School shall be responsible for providing a lunch program that satisfies state and federal requirements. The School may contract with the District for school food service. If the parties agree upon this option, a separate memorandum of agreement must be agreed upon and executed. Services will not begin until the memorandum of agreement is executed by the School and returned to the District. A failure to abide by the terms set out in that agreement may result in the agreement being terminated. The School will be responsible for reviewing all applications for free and reduced meals for accuracy and for sending all applications to the District for approval if the School agrees that the District is to make the reimbursement claims. The School will be responsible for sending a representative to all School Way Café district training workshops. If the School contracts with the District for school food service, the School will be responsible for ordering, picking up, delivering and serving meals to students, and for maintaining appropriate records to track meals. The School will provide the District with copies of the records within a time frame designated by the District’s “School Way Café”. The School will be responsible for paying for all meals received. The School will be responsible for complying with all state and federal regulations related to the national school lunch and breakfast program. Non-compliance with state and federal regulations could result in discontinuing services to the School from the District. The District’s “School Way Café” must be reimbursed for any re-claims made by the state or federal government as a result of errors made by the School.
Lunch Program. The School shall provide food services to its students consistent with applicable Florida Statutes. If the School elects to participate in the National School Lunch Program it shall follow all applicable federal rules and regulations. If it is agreed that School Way Café is to be the sponsor, a separate memorandum of agreement will be required on a yearly basis. The school will be responsible for providing a wellness plan and the results on a yearly basis.
Lunch Program. Section 1: As professionals, teachers are concerned with all factors that affect the educational process. The elementary school lunch program influences the educational process through its potential effects upon the learning conditions and responses of students and upon the working conditions and energies of teachers. Consistent with the spirit of the vote of the Committee in the spring of 1968 to establish an elementary school lunch program:
A. No teacher shall be required (or damaged by his/her refusal) to supervise any aspect of the elementary school lunch program.
B. The supervision of the secondary lunch program will be on a volunteer basis. In the event that not all lunchroom assignments are covered by volunteers, then such assignments will be equitably assigned by the Administration, or its designee, from the remainder of the staff.
Lunch Program. Immaculate Heart of Xxxx School offers a hot lunch program which is available for students throughout the school year (except for certain designated days). A menu is available at and the IHM school app.
Lunch Program. IHM offers a hot lunch program which is available for students throughout the school year (except for certain designated days). A menu is available at for parents.
Lunch Program. The School shall be responsible for providing meal program(s) that satisfies state and federal requirements. The School may contract with the Sponsor for school food service. If the parties agree upon this option, a separate memorandum of agreement must be agreed upon and executed. Services will not begin until the memorandum of agreement is executed by the School and returned to the Sponsor. A failure to abide by the terms set out in that agreement may result in the agreement being terminated. The School will be responsible for reviewing all applications for free and reduced meals for accuracy and for sending all applications to the Sponsor for approval if the School agrees that the Sponsor is to make the reimbursement claims. The School will be responsible for sending a representative to all School Way Café district training workshops. If the School contracts with the Sponsor for school food service, the School will be responsible for ordering, picking up, delivering and serving meals to students, and for maintaining appropriate records to track meals. The School will be responsible for providing appropriate equipment to transfer, hold and serve food. The School must obtain any required licenses, inspections and certificates necessary to operate or serve food and to provide the Sponsor with copies upon request. The School will provide the Sponsor with copies of the records within a time frame designated by the Sponsor’s “School Way Café”. The School will be responsible for paying for all meals received. The School will be responsible for complying with all state and federal regulations related to the national school lunch and breakfast program. Non-compliance with state and federal regulations could result in discontinuing services to the School from the Sponsor. The Sponsor’s “School Way Café” must be reimbursed for any re-claims made by the state or federal government as a result of errors made by the School.
Lunch Program. The School shall be responsible for providing a lunch program that satisfies state and federal requirements. The School shall contract with the Sponsor for school food service. The School will be responsible for reviewing all applications for free and reduced meals for accuracy and for sending all applications to the district office. The School will be responsible for ordering, picking up, and delivery of meals to students with appropriate records to track meals and provide the Sponsor with copies of the records. The School will be responsible for paying for all meals received. The School will be responsible for complying with all state and federal regulations related to the national school lunch and breakfast program.
Lunch Program. SSPP School offers a lunch program daily. More information on the lunch program including cost and menus will be coming soon. Students may also choose to bring their lunch each day. Students are not permitted to bring pop or glass bottles.
Lunch Program. Our St. Xxxxxx School kitchen serves hot, nutritious lunches daily. Meals, foods and beverages served at schools meet state and federal requirements, which are based on the USDA Dietary Guidelines. You may qualify for Free or Reduced Lunches under the National Lunch Program. We encourage everyone to apply as soon as possible as applications take 10 days to process. Qualifying families are eligible for free or reduced-rate lunches. Federal regulations require that an application form and eligibility standards be sent to all parents with children enrolled at St. Xxxxxx School. The information on the eligibility application is subject to verification by school officials. The information on the application is confidential and will be used only to decide eligibility. Households may apply for free or reduced-rate lunches any time their economic or household circumstances change. NO child will be discriminated against because of race, sex, color, national origin, age, or handicap. Under federal and state policies, local administrators will determine a student’s eligibility. Parents or guardians can appeal the decision by contacting the school office at 542-2704. Hot Lunch Policy ● This year’s cost per meal is $4.50 ● Payments are due the 1st & 15th of each month via FamilyPortal ● Due to COVID-19, necessary changes have been made to our lunchtime policy. ● Students must bring a sack lunch or purchase a hot lunch from school ● Lunches and snacks will no longer be permitted to be dropped off or delivered to school during school hours. ● Parents are required to order their child’s lunch at least 2 days in advance online via FACTS ParentsWeb ● All lunches served are charged to the student’s account at the end of the day
Lunch Program. Saint Mary’s School offers a hot lunch program three days per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday.) Meals are purchased from a local vendor. Menus are sent home monthly for parents to order student lunches. Students need to choose the featured entre knowing that is all that is available as a “Hot Lunch” on that day. Parents should maintain a record at home to remind the student if they are participating in hot lunch for that day. Students whose names do not appear on the hot lunch list will not receive a hot lunch that day but may receive a substitute lunch and parents will be charged for this as needed. Students may choose to bring their lunch each day. Students should not bring glass bottles, soft drinks or excessive amounts of candy. Parents should not bring lunches or drinks from carry- out restaurants. Students are expected to use the same manners required in the classroom during lunch. Courtesy toward other students and cooperation with lunch monitors are in order at all times. If a student forgets lunch the student will call home to ask the parent to bring lunch. If the parent is not available to bring lunch, a substitute lunch will be served to the student with what is available at that time.