Examples of Effective date of the transfer in a sentence
Effective date of the transfer of statutory registered office (articles 101-11 to 101-17)(heading inserted by the Act of 25 August 2006 (Official Gazette A152 of 31/08/2006 p.2684)) Article 101-11(inserted by the Act of 25 August 2006 (Official Gazette A152 of 31/08/2006 p.
The report shall contain the following information: (i) Legal name of the company or individual involved in the transfer; (ii) Effective date of the transfer; (iii) Description of the affected emission units; and (iv) Name and telephone number of the owner's or operator's authorized representative.
Effective date of the transfer will also be subject to the applicable cut-off times and processing times of payment intermediaries [payment service providers], mobile network operators and or the receiving financial institutions.