Examples of Effluent limitations guidelines in a sentence
Effluent limitations guidelines have not been promulgated for discharges of this sort.
Effluent limitations guidelines (ELGs) and new source performance standards (NSPSs) are technology-based effluent limitations under CWA sections 301 and 306 for categories of point source discharges.
Effluent limitations guidelines (ELGs) and new source performance standards (NSPSs) are technology-based effluent limitations required by CWA sections 301 and 306 for categories of point source discharges.
Effluent limitations guidelines and standards are technology-based regulations that are developed by EPA for a category of dischargers.
BAT Effluent limitations guidelines based on BAT represent the best existing economically achievable performance of plants in the industrial subcategory.
Energy Information Administration.ELGs. Effluent limitations guidelines and standards.E.O. Executive Order.EPA.
Effluent limitations guidelines and standards (called ‘‘effluent guidelines’’ or ‘‘ELGs’’) are technology-based requirements for categories of point source dischargers.
Effluent limitations guidelines were not promulgated, however, for discharges 006 through 022 above.
You must document in your SWPPP procedures for conducting the five types of analytical monitoring specified by this permit, where applicable to your facility, including: Benchmark monitoring; Effluent limitations guidelines monitoring; State- or tribal-specific monitoring; Impaired waters monitoring; Other monitoring as required by EPA.
Effluent limitations guidelines represent the greatest pollutant reductions that are economically achievable for an industry, and are based on Best Practicable Control Technology (BPT), Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT), and Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT).