Electricity Customer definition
Examples of Electricity Customer in a sentence
A distributor and a customer must comply with the Electricity Customer Metering Code.
Electricity Customer Metering Code means the industry code of that name certified by the Commission.
Customer will give Amigo Energy 45 days prior written notice if Customer plans to move from the Premises (each, a “move”) and wants AmigoEnergy’sassistancetomovetheEquipment.WhentheCustomermoves,Customerwill have2optionsforassistance:(1) AmigoEnergywillmovetheEquipmenttoCustomer’snewlocationatnocosttoyouaslongas(a)Customer emainsaAmigoEnergy Electricity Customer (b) and Customer owns the new location or (2) Customer can remove the equipment as provided for in Removal section above.
These rule changes aimed to improve the process by which customers transfer to new retailers, based on recommendations from the Commission’s Review of Electricity Customer Switching, published in April 2014 (Review).
This Code replaces the Electricity Customer Metering Code published in June 2009 with effect from 1 April 2011.
Thomas, et al., Electricity Customer Choice in Ohio: How Competition Has Outperformed Traditional Monopoly Regulation, Cleveland State University (2016), available at http://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2420&context=urban_facpub; Compete Coalition, RTO and ISO Markets are Essential to Meeting our Nation’s Economic, Energy and Environmental Challenges (2014).
In respect of Electricity, Customer understands that there are certain estimated pass through costs, made up of charges to RITERATE ENERGY by the PJM Interconnection (“PJM”) and/or Customer’s Utility, including but not limited to ancillary service charges, the cost of unaccounted for electricity, capacity charges and any replacement or recharacterization of these charges.
An exact McNemar's test was run to determine if there was a significant pre- and post- intervention difference in the proportion of students who assess them-selves as knowledgeable in IoT.
Electricity Customer Metering Code means the code of that name certified by theOffice.
If you are seeking a new connection or connection alteration, including the installation of embedded generation, you or your ASP, as required by the National Electricity Customer Framework, will need to submit an Application for Low Voltage Connection to be assessed by Essential Energy.