Electronic Item definition

Electronic Item. A digitized image of a Check, an Image Exchange Item, or any other electronic version of a Check or other electronic item (such as items processable through the automated clearinghouse (ACH) system) approved by Bank for processing through the Program. Bank reserves the right to review and approve any Electronic Items that are designed in the future.
Electronic Item means the electronic image of each Paper Item and other information captured from the Paper Item. After we receive your transmission, we will review each Electronic Item. For each Electronic Item that we determine is eligible for processing as described below, we will:
Electronic Item means the electronic image of each paper item (check) and other information captured from the paper item (check).

Examples of Electronic Item in a sentence

  • Subject to our right to identify and reject Exception Items, we shall be deemed to have accepted each Electronic Item that is not an Exception Item for deposit to the account on the business day that we process the Electronic Item, provided its transmission to us is prior to the Cut-Off Time.

  • In addition, an Electronic Item will be deemed to have been deposited at the office where the account is maintained.

More Definitions of Electronic Item

Electronic Item means a digitized image of a check, an image exchange item, or any other electronic version of a check or other electronic item (such as items process able through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system) approved by the Bank for processing through the System.
Electronic Item means the digitized image of a Paper Item that is created by you and transmitted to us using the Service.
Electronic Item means the electronic image of each paper Item (check) and other information captured from the paper Item (check).
Electronic Item means the electronic image created an Authorized User’s device.
Electronic Item means an image of the front and back of a Check, all of the information from the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (“MICR”) line on the original Check and the enclosed amount and additional information about the original Check, including any associated electronic records derived from the original Check and any other information specified by us, in the format specified by us.
Electronic Item means an item de- scribed in paragraph (i)(1)(ii) of this section.NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, item in- cludes both a cash and a noncash item, and includes a returned check sent by a paying or returning bank. Item does not include a check that cannot be collected at par, or a payment order as defined in § 210.26(i) and han- dled under subpart B of this part.
Electronic Item means an item described in paragraph (i)(1)(ii) of this section.Note: Unless otherwise indicated, item includes both a cash and a noncash item, and includes a returned check sent by a payingor returning bank. Item does not include a check that cannot be collected at par, or a payment order as defined in § 210.26(i) and handled under subpart B of this part.* * * * *(1) * * *