Electronic Tendering definition

Electronic Tendering means the use of a computer-based system directly accessible by suppliers irrespective of their location that provides them with information related to bid solicitations;
Electronic Tendering means the use of a computer-based system directly accessible by Suppliers irrespective of their location that provides them with information related to Bid Solicitations; ie –NB Online Web Site and/or City of Saint John Home Page;
Electronic Tendering means the making and submission of a Tender through the

Examples of Electronic Tendering in a sentence

  • To operate on the Electronic Tendering System, the Contractors are recommended to use Computer System with at least 1 GB of RAM and broadband connectivity with minimum 512 kbps bandwidth.

  • To operate on the Electronic Tendering System of Government of Maharashtra, the Computer System of the Contractors is required be set up.

  • All Contractors enrolled on the Electronic Tendering System of Government of Maharashtra are provided with dedicated briefcase facility to store documents / files in digital format.

  • For information on the process of application for obtaining Digital Certificate, the Contractors may visit the section Digital Certificate on the Home Page of the Electronic Tendering System.

  • All the online activities are time tracked and the Electronic Tendering System enforces time-locks that ensure that no activity or transaction can take place outside the Start and End Dates and Time of the stage as defined in the Tender Schedule.

More Definitions of Electronic Tendering

Electronic Tendering means the making and submission of a Tender through the e-Tender Box;
Electronic Tendering means the making and submission of a Tender through the e-Tender Box;“Estimated Contract Price”means the amount specified at the end of paragraph(a) under Part A – Contract Price of the Price Schedule under the heading “Estimated Contract Price”;“e-Tender Box”means the electronic tendering system adopted by GLD for Tenderers to prepare and submit Tenders electronically;“ETO”means the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Chapter 553 of the Laws of Hong Kong);“Force Majeure Event”means: (a) any supervening outbreak of war affecting Hong Kong and/or any other parts of the PRC, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, acts of foreign enemies, rebellion, revolution, military or usurped power, overthrow (whether by external or internal means) of the Government and/or the government of the PRC, civil war, riot, civil disturbances, fire if not caused or contributed to by the Contractor, its related persons (as defined in Paragraphs 23.6 and 23.7 of the Terms of Tender) or any employee or agent or ex-employee or ex-agent thereof, civil commotion and acts of God; (b) any supervening catastrophic event which is similar to the foregoing if not caused or contributed to by the Contractor, its related persons (as defined in Paragraphs 23.6 and23.7 of the Terms of Tender) or any employee or agent or ex-employee or ex-agent thereof; or (c) any supervening epidemic outbreak in Hong Kong; and which, in any case of (a), (b) and (c) above, prevents the performance of the duties and obligations of any party hereunder;
Electronic Tendering means a computer-based system that provides vendors with access to information in an Open Competitive Process, such as bids&tenders.
Electronic Tendering means the electronic tendering method by which tenderers making offers through the e-Tender Box of the Government Logistics Department;
Electronic Tendering. A totally secure means to store and transmit all contract/Tender documentation via a secure electronic vault.
Electronic Tendering means the making and submission of a Tender through the e-Tender Box whether through the use of a digital certificate or through the use of an Identification Code; “Equipment” means the machinery, equipment and appliances to be used in the performance of the Services as set out in Clause [2] of the Conditions of Contract; “Estimated Total Contract Value” means the estimate total contract value as quoted in Schedule 1 – Price Schedule of Part IV; “ESG Proposal” means a proposal proposed by the Tenderer in its Tender to be assessed under assessment criterion (3b) of the Marking Scheme; “Essential Requirement” means a requirement specified in the Tender Documents which is identified as an requirement and a requirement in relation to which it is stated in the Tender Documents that the non-compliance by a Tender or a Tenderer as at the Tender Closing Time will lead to that Tender or Tenderer not being considered further (or the Tender or Tenderer being disqualified); “e-Tender Box” or “ETB” means the electronic tendering platform of the information technology system known as “Procurement and Contract Management System” or “PCMS” of the GLD for ETB Users to view tender notices and tender documents, and prepare and submit tenders electronically whether through the use of a digital certificate or an Identification Code; “ETB User” means a person who has registered with the PCMS whether as a GLD supplier, or a GLD subscriber, or a person who is for the time being just an applicant to become a GLD supplier up to the time of the notification of the result of its application;
Electronic Tendering means the use of a computer-based system directly accessible by Suppliers irrespective of their location that provides them with information related to bid solicitations and can accept vendor submissions. For greater clarity, the acceptable methods of Electronic Tendering for any individual procurement will be set out in that procurement’s solicitation documents.