Eligible activities or "eligible activity" means 1 or more of the following:
Eligible activities means those activities described in R18-12-601(B).
Eligible activities means, with respect to a site that is the subject of an application under this program, 1 or more of the following:
Examples of Eligible activities in a sentence
Eligible Activities: HOME Funds shall be used to provide eligible homebuyers, as defined below, with mortgage assistance in the form of an interest free, amortizing loan.
More Definitions of Eligible activities
Eligible activities means removal as defined by section 101(23)
Eligible activities means activities that serve the purposes of Health and Safety Code section 44558.3, subdivision (b).
Eligible activities means removal as defined by section 101(23) of CERCLA and includes required engineering evaluations, cost analysis of cleanup alternatives, public participation requirements and reasonable and necessary site monitoring activities during the remediation.
Eligible activities. The final rule clarifies eligibility of affordable housing development for recipients; these uses were eligible under the interim final rule, but Treasury is providing further guidance to enhance clarity and respond to recipient and commenter questions. Public Comment: Permanent Supportive Housing: Treasury has received comments encouraging the use of SLFRF funds for permanent supportive housing. This is an eligible use under the interim final rule: Both the development of affordable housing (including operating subsidies) and wraparound services such as behavioral health services, employment services, and other supportive services, are eligible responses to the public health crisis or its negative economic impacts.
Eligible activities are defined by Section 2(m) of the Xxxxxxxxxx Redevelopment Financing Act;
Eligible activities means activities described in 12 CFR 1805.301, and includes credit enhancements, loan loss reserves, equity investments, expenditures of money or commitments to expend money to reduce the interest rate otherwise applicable under a loan agreement or funding agreement, and grants related to these activities.
Eligible activities means activities eligible for funding under this chapter, limited to remedial actions as defined in s. NR