Examples of Employers Association in a sentence
The funds will be held in trust by the Community Social Services Bargaining Association and will continue to be jointly administered with the Community Social Services Employers' Association.
Independent of the foregoing, the parties further agree that in the event that the long-term disability benefits provided under the Collective Agreement between Health Employers Association of B.C. and the British Columbia Nurses’ Union become in any manner indexed, such indexing shall likewise be applied under this Collective Agreement.
Any new employee who, within three (3) months previous to being hired by the Employer, worked for any Employer where the Union is certified and where the Employer is a member of the Health Employers Association of B.C., shall be required to serve a probationary period in accordance with Article 13.
The Community Social Services Employers' Association and the Association of Unions will share the cost of printing and distribution.
All notices on behalf of the Unions will be given by the Association of Unions and similar notices on behalf of the Employer will be given by the Community Social Services Employers' Association.
Pt I:Pt 1:1.7.1(b) substituted by PR906395 ppc 27Jul01] 1.7.1(b) Australian Industry Group (Ai Group), Engineering Employers Association, South Australia; Metal Industries Association, Tasmania and members of these organisations of employers.
The members appointed by the Government will be staff members of the Government, a Health Authority, and/or the Health Employers Association of British Columbia, and the members appointed by the Doctors of BC will be staff members of the Doctors of BC.
The purpose of this Agreement is to provide employers services through the School Employers Association of California, an independent Joint Powers Agency (“JPA”), in order to maintain programs, policies, and procedures necessary to understand and be guided by the provisions of the Educational Employment Relations Act, California Government Code Sections 3540, et seq.
If the employee representation body and management fail to reach agree- ment in the salary negotiations, the employee representation body may call in the Swiss Bank Employees’ Association as well as the Swiss Association of Commercial Employees and the bank may call in the Employers Association of Banks in Switzerland.
As instructed by Colleges Scotland Employers Association, the migration from the current salary scales to the new National Pay Scale commenced in order to generate a notional salary for April 2019.