Examples of Energy Diversity Act in a sentence
The Energy Diversity Act, which includes Section 83D and 83C solicitations, recognizes the necessity of the Commonwealth achieving the goals established pursuant to the GWSA.
The Energy Diversity Act, which includes Section 83D and 83C procurements, recognizes the necessity of the Commonwealth to achieving the goals established pursuant to the GWSA.
Among other things, the Energy Diversity Act required the Department to amend its rules and regulations implementing a new NM provision concerning small hydroelectric power NM facilities, G.L. c.
Section 83C of the Energy Diversity Act, signed into law by Governor Baker on August 8, 2016, provides that in order to facilitate the financing of offshore wind energy generation resources in the Commonwealth, each Massachusetts electric distribution company shall jointly and competitively solicit proposals for offshore wind energy generation and, provided that reasonable proposals have been received, shall enter into cost effective long-term contracts.
For example, in Figure 9, the rightmost NP (“bushy bushes”) is consid- ered to be conjoined to the leftmost NP (“short grass”), which is the head child, even though there is an intervening NP (“tall trees”).17 Throughout this paper we will use the notation L(w; t)i to refer to the three items that comprise a fully-lexicalized left-modifying nonterminal, which are the unlexicalized label Li, its head word wLi and its part of speech tLi , and similarly for right modifiers.
But for the Energy Diversity Act and the Department’s subsequent regulations, the Company would not be incurring the costs of prioritizing the repair of G3SEI leaks.
Section 83C of the Energy Diversity Act requires that “individual solicitations shall seekproposals for no less than 400 megawatts of aggregate nameplate capacity of offshore wind energy generation resources” (emphasis added).
Regarding the 2016 Massachusetts Energy Diversity Act, see https://www.mass.gov/news/governor-baker-signs-comprehensive-energy-diversity-legislation.
The other pre-existing terms of such Company Warrants shall continue to apply in accordance with their terms.
The Legislature chose to define “energy storage system” in the 2016 Energy Diversity Act (Chapter 188 of the Acts of 2016)10 in the following way.