Examples of English Language Proficiency Standards in a sentence
Instruction must be linguistically accommodated in accordance with the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and the student's English language proficiency levels to ensure the mastery of knowledge and skills in the required curriculum is accessible.
Are the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) addressed and supported?2.
The ACCESS for ELLs is aligned to the WIDA Summative English Language Proficiency Standards and has been accepted by the United States Department of Education as a valid and reliable assessment of English proficiency.
Are the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) addressed and supported?3.
Achievement Gap: evidence from multiple reliable and valid sources indicate that the student’s current achievement of State-approved Grade Level/Span Expectations and English Language Proficiency Standards is significantly different than his/her peers relative to national normative data with consideration of state and local data when provided with learning experiences and instruction appropriate for the child’s age or state approved grade level/span expectations.
Students who are identified as LEP and are at the beginning or intermediate level of English language proficiency, as defined by 19 TAC §74.4(d), relating to English Language Proficiency Standards, may be enrolled in ESOL I or ESOL II.
For a further understanding of second language acquisition needs, refer to the ELPS English Language Proficiency Standards and proficiency-level descriptors located in Chapter 74, Subchapter A B.(6 5) Oral language proficiency holds a pivotal role in school success; verbal engagement must be maximized across grade levels (Dr. Kate Kinsella, NCLB, 2010).
The essential knowledge and skills for English I for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL I) are described in §74.4 of this title (relating to English Language Proficiency Standards) as well as subsection (b) of this section and are aligned to the knowledge and skills and student expectations in Chapter 110 of this title (relating to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for English Language Arts and Reading) with additional expectations for English language learners (ELLs).
Finally, in the one-dimensional plots, the magnitudes of the field values for the cases of equal cloud conductivity have been reduced by a factor of ten in order to plot them on the same vertical scale as the field values determined for the cases of lower cloud conductivity.
English Language Acquisition (ELA): Instruction is aligned with the English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education and addresses reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.