English learner or "EL" means a child included in the
English learner means a pupil as described in subdivision (a) of Section 306.
English learner means an individual
Examples of English learner in a sentence
Regularly shares with appropriate colleagues (e.g., general education, special education, and English learner staff) conclusions about student progress and seeks feedback from them about instructional or assessment practices that will support improved student learning.
More Definitions of English learner
English learner means a student whose native language is not English and who is classified as a Level 1-4 limited English proficient or Level 5 fluent English proficient based on the LAS Links English proficiency assessment.
English learner or "EL student" means a student who is learning in English as a second language.
English learner means a child who does not speak English or whose native language is not English and who is not currently able to perform ordinary classroom work in English, also known as Limited English Proficiency or LEP child.
English learner or "EL" means, as prescribed in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (P.L. 89-10, as amended), an individual:
English learner or “EL” means an NELB Student who qualifies for ESL services via a Department-approved English Language Proficiency screener.
English learner means a child included in the definition
English learner or "EL" means a child included in the definition of "English learners" under Section 14C-2 of this Code participating in a program of transitional bilingual education or a transitional program of instruction meeting the requirements and program application procedures of Article 14C of this Code. For the purposes of collecting the number of EL students enrolled, the same collection and calculation methodology as defined above for "ASE" shall apply to English learners, with the exception that EL student enrollment shall include students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12.