Examples of Equity Gap in a sentence
Equity Gap Calculation:Equity gap is defined as total development costs minus the total of all non-LIHTC sources of funds (i.e., the development costs not covered by debt financing, grants, etc.).
Equity Gap: When a group of students who share a common characteristic (e.g. race/ethnicity) have lower access and/or outcome rates than their peers.
The Authority will review the amount of Tax Credits a Project is eligible to receive using both the Qualified Basis method and Equity Gap method.
The equity gap is calculated as follows: Total Development Cost Less:Total Sources of Funds*( )Equity Gap Divide by 10 Year Credit Period ÷ 10 Annual Tax Credit Required Divide by Syndication ValueReturned Per Tax Credit Dollar _÷ Annual Credit Amount * For the purpose of the equity gap calculation, a developer fee note will not be considered as a source of funding.
The maximum amount of 4% Tax Credits for which a Project may apply is the lesser of the following:• the Tax Credit amount supported by the Project’s Eligible Basis; or• the Tax Credit amount supported through the Equity Gap Method.
The Homeownership Programme is achieved through two primary mechanisms: Units owned by the Community Housing Trust (Section 3.6), and the Equity Gap Scheme (Section 3.7).
Refer to QAP Part A., Section 4.6.2.✓ IFA construction monitoring fee is automatically included.✓ The 8609 Fee is automatically calculated based on the Tax Credit Reservation fee entered.✓ Tax Credit Reservation fee should be based on the lesser credit amount from the Eligible Basis and Equity Gap Credit Calculation.
The Tax Credits are calculated using a Basis Calculation and an Equity Gap Calculation.
Equity Gap Analysis Comprehensive Local Needs AssessmentThe Perkins V comprehensive local needs assessment (CLNA) aims to facilitate a data-informed, continuous improvement process for community colleges using an equity lens.Office of Community College Research and Leadership, 2019 https://occrl.illinois.edu/comprehensive-local-needs-assessment.
Id. Justice Rehnquist concluded from the legislative history that Congress intended only that the FAA regulate the “source” of noise, specifically the “mechanical and structural aspects of jet and turbine aircraft design.” Id., at 650.The statute did not, however, limit the states and local authorities from “enacting every type of measure, which might have the effect of reducing aircraft noise .