Examples of Ergon in a sentence
None.Not available.None known.Manufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor informationCompany Name Address After hours telephone numberNormal work hours telephone number WebsiteE-mailEmergency 24-hour telephone number Information on operation hoursErgonArmor, a division of Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc.
The requirements of this Division 3 apply for the purposes of making a distribution determination for ENERGEX and Ergon Energy for the regulatory control period and modify the application of Chapter 6 of the Rules to the extent set out in this Division 3.
Ergon Energy means Ergon Energy Corporation Limited A.C.N. 087 646 062 and any successor business.
Note:The regulatory asset bases for Ergon Energy and ENERGEX are likely to include assets used to provide services which are not standard control services and accordingly the expected revenue for each year will need to be adjusted to avoid double recovery of those costs.
Ergon Energy means Ergon Energy Corporation Limited (ACN 087 646 062).