Escrowed Documents definition
Examples of Escrowed Documents in a sentence
The Escrow Agent shall hold the Escrowed Documents for release and delivery, or cancellation, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Escrow Agreement.
Unless otherwise mutually agreed, the Party requesting to review the Escrowed Documents shall provide at least 3 days advance notice to the other Party regarding its intent to review the Escrowed Documents.
Nothing in the Escrowed Documents shall be construed to change or modify the terms or conditions of the Contract.
Compared to other groups, it was realized that the statements of individuals in HSLG group were poorer, especiallywhen they explained their own emotions and possible reactions.
If the apparent successful Bid is based on subcontracting any part of the work, each subcontractor whose total subcontract price exceeds five percent of the total Contract Price proposed by Bidder shall provide separate Escrowed Documents to be included with those of Bidder.