RFP Documents definition
Examples of RFP Documents in a sentence
A copy of such Addendum will be e-mailed or delivered to each Respondent receiving a set of such RFP Documents.
It is the responsibility of each Proponent to examine the RFP Document(s) thoroughly.
The Department will not be bound by, and the Proposer shall not rely on, any oral communication or representation regarding the RFP Documents, or any written communication except to the extent that it is an Addendum to this RFP and is not superseded by a later Addendum to this RFP.
The issuance by the Department of any RFP Documents, or drafts thereof, to a Proposer shall be subject to such Proposer executing and delivering a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement in prescribed form to the Department.
The Proposer is expected to examine carefully the Site(s) of the proposed Work, the Department’s Project web site, all reference documents and the RFP Documents before submitting a Proposal.